Kind of dropped off the face of the earth in mid-April. It was not because my script for script frenzy took off-- that also dropped mid month. No, I found out from a friend that there was a full time English Instructor position at Gateway, the local community college. I applied, got an interview with the selection committee and despite a very painful 20 minute teaching segment, I now have in hand an invitation to interview with the President of the College and Vice Provost next week.
I've never been nervous in interviews-- not debilitatingly so, anyway. But I've never had one that mattered quite this much before, either. And while I am a damn good teacher, I realize I know almost nothing of Academia, having been out of those circles, that conversation, pretty much all my adult life. I've dabbled the past couple of years, but I've been far too busy surviving increasingly grueling teaching schedules at this For Profit nightmare I work for now.
Anyone remember Spider Robinson? Penned, among other things, the Callahan's Saloon short stories? He says in one of his introductions that he took up writing to get out of the sewer. Literally. Worked as a night watchman for a major metropolitan sewer system (and also expressed the wonder I'm sure has occurred to you, too-- someone might steal a sewer? What?)
Anyway, that's me, now. I am putting in my notice Tuesday, before I even go to this interview. I might as well beat them to laying me off or cutting me to part time, which seems very likely given our pitiful enrollment numbers. I also have not had a break since January and need a vacation and to recharge in the worst way. I can likely get an adjunct job at one of several local real schools if this one falls through, but not if I'm this burned out when I interview with them.
That's what scares me now-- how can I honestly answer any questions about my current job without the truth seeping out in my tone, if not my words?
One friend of mine has told me she knows people who have interviewed with this college, and the President places a great deal of stress on an applicant knowing everything there is to know about Gateway. I've been reading the website, but I don't want to sound like I've been memorizing PR material there.
I know many of you on my f-list are academics or have worked in this world-- could you share some questions you've been asked in these types of interviews, or your experience on what I should work on this week to get ready for this?
Any advice or questions or both would be much appreciated.