I recently got a comment on my Summer of Giles story, also known as the dreaded Nano06 Novel. I thought posting it, revised, for Summer of Giles would get me jump started on it and actually get me to finish it. But as many of you know, Real Life took an interesting turn, and I have been more engaged with that than writing fanfic, in any fandom.
But the comment made me take another look at the story. I had sketched out a tarot reading scene I wanted to add, and sent it to a couple of friends for ideas. But I had never received any reply. So, even though I know only what
this one website tells me about Tarot reading, and that imperfectly, I took my "Giles Reading" notes and incorporated them into a scene. As soon as I can get it beta'ed, I'll be posting it. Gill, if you see this, check your spam box and see if you got my email.
I also have the first 3/4 of the Lost Boys Sequel in decent shape. I'll work on that and try to start posting something on it by Christmas. If anyone wants to volunteer to beta on these, by all means let me know-- I am aware this is a very busy time of year for those who are not unemployed.
Which time is not going as badly as it might. I've been trying to use up my benefits before year's end. Have discovered my former employer is every bit as sleazy as I'd feared, as some of the benefits that were supposed to cut off on Dec 31 are actually already off. Bastards. I can apply for reimbursement on things I paid out of pocket earlier in the year, but I can't use the money on the dental and medical stuff I finally have had time to take care of while I'm not working.
I also had a good interview with another local community college and may get an instructor position out of it. But it may not start until mid term, in February. I think I'd teach developmental writing pretty well. And eventually they'd let me teach other writing for people who managed to get a GED or diploma. They even have an American Lit course as part of their Associates Degree program, though it's pretty heavy on dead white guys from over a century ago.
I've tried to keep up with everybody, but I have to admit I don't check my F list every day, and I have been doing some selective skipping and skimming. Sorry for that. At least over the next week I'll try to do better. Then my Beloved will be here for two weeks, and all bets are off.