Jul 11, 2003 23:38
1)Name on birth Certificate: Colleen Patricia Keck
2)Nicknames: Coll or Colpeen OH or Jerkface
3)School: eghs - senior
4)E-mail: EGColl@att.net
5)eyes: brown
6)Height: 6' ish
7)Siblings: yes
8)Been so drunk you blacked out: no
9)Taken any illegal substances: no
10)Gone out in pyjamas: yeah
11)Missed school b/c it was raining: thats ridiculous
12) Set a bodypart on fire for amusement: hahahahahahha yes
13)Kept a secret from anyone: haha yeah
14) Had an imaginary friend? haha yeah his name is sparky ;)
15)Wanted to hook up with a friend: ohhhhh yeah
16)Cried during a Flick: once- it's stupid
17)Had a crush on a teacher: hmm.....oh yeah theres this one teacher but i dunno his name
18)Ever thought an animated character was hot?: absolutely not
19)Ever at anytime owned a New Kids on the Block tape? oh yeah- I hearted New Kids on the Block!!!
20)Planned your week based on the TV Guide: haha yeah right
21)Prank called someone: oh man! yeah!
22)Been on stage: yeah
23)Shampoo: herbal essenses
24)Soap: herbal essenses
25)Colors: oooh i cant decide between blue and yellow. not the crappy blue though. OCEAN blue and sunny yellow!
26)Day/Night: day
27)Summer/Winter: summer
28)Sport: basketball
29)Lace or satin: satin
30)Cartoon Character: Homer Simpson. OR Stewie from Family Guy
33)Are you dating anyone: not anymore!
34)Like anyone in a 'more than a friend' way: yep- a few people actually
35)Who have you known the longest in the circle of friends?: Jessi!
36)Who's the loudest: definately SARAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH
37)Who's the shyest: Josh or Shimes
38)Who do you go to for advice: Sarah, Jess, Jena
39)Who do you get the most surveys from: eh i dont really know
40)Who do you cry with: no one
41)Who's body is the sexiest: Sarah
41)Cried: haha everyone cries fuckass
42)Cut your hair: oh man! I cut it reallly short htis one time
43)Worn a skirt: yep
44)Been mean: yeah i can get really bitchy
45)Been sarcastic: haha you're a fuck
46)Met someone new: No, I've never met anyone new. what kind of question is this???
47)Injured yourself: haha so many times--I was on crutches for the majority of my sophomore year ;) note the username
48)Missed someone: eh sorta miss someone but i sorta dont
49)Hugged someone: haha no i dont hug people. I don't like people touching me.
50)Fought with your parents: yeah but it doesnt happen often
51)Wished upon a star near-by: no
52)Laughed until you cried: HAHA YEAH! With sarah allll the time. "Colleen....your alarm clock is gonna go off in, like, twenty minutes..."
53)Played Truth or Dare: WHAT THE FUCK!?
54)Watched a sunrise/sunset: haha no but i painted one, and then i cried because of its beauty
55)Went to the beach at night: yes
56)Bought new clothes: hahaha NO I don't buy new clothes. I've been wearing the same ones since i was born. No wonder this survey is so long you ask fuckass questions like this!
57)Read a book for fun: YEAH! I read all the time
58)Ate a meal?: nope- EMPTY CALORIESSSSSSS
59)Are you lonely: not at all
60)Are you happy: yep.
61)Are you talking to someone online: yes
62)God/Devil: shannon how the fuck does it depend on how you look at it?! No.
63)Love: all you need is love......MY ASS. There's a lot more to life than love but love makes it more enjoyable.
64)The Closet Monster: yep
65)The Big Bang Theory: yeah i do
68)What is your full name? fuck off
69)Who named you? never asked.
70)Backstreet Boys or NSync:
71)When was the last time you showered?: earlier today
72)What was the last sport you played?: i went swimming today
73)What song are u listening to right now?: im not listening to music. I'm watching Conan O'Brien
74)What was the last thing that you said online? "I don't know."
75)What is sittin next to you?: a chair
76)What is your computer desk made of?: wood and metal
77)What are the last 4 digits in your phone number?: 6770
78)What was the last thing that you ate?: vegetarian garden vegetable soup at Panera ;)
79)Where do you want to go on your honeymoon?: somewhere that isnt overdone
81)How many buddies do you have on your list?: 75
82)How's the weather right now? nice
83)Have you ever smoked pot?: nope
84)What did you do last night?: Chilled with the Sarahs
85)How are you today?: I'm good, thanks.
86)Fave band?: Our Lady Peace or Cold
87)How do you eat Oreos?: i dont. EMPTY CALORIESSSSSSSSSSSSS.haha
88)Fave song: I don't have one
89)Dream car: A Mercedes but I dont know the exact one
90)Have you ever won any special awards: probably
91)What do you want to be when you grow up?: lawyer
93)Favorite Drink?: water. really.
94)Favorite food?: hmmm...PB&J
95)Favourite Movie?: I really like Notting Hill
96)Favorite day of this year: I like the fall.
97)Favorite girls deodorant/cologne?: they aren't even the same thing. they're way different! ass.
98)Do you like to dance?: yes
99)What's your favourite number?: hmm...21
100)Are you too shy to ask someone out?: depends on who it is
101)What are your favorite brands of clothes?: I really like American Eagle and I heart Gap jeans
102)If you could change your name what would it be?: I like my name.
103)Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?: haha yes. :)
104)Ever been in love?: no
105)What is the stupidest thing you have ever done?: I do stupid stuff all the time
106)What will your first son's name be?: Cade
107)First daughter?: Aubrey
108)Favorite alcoholic drink?: Ameretto Stone Sours. Yum.
109)Do you like scary or happy movies better: Happy!
110)On the phone or in person?: in person
111)Lust or Love?: love
112)If you could change something about yourself, what would it be?:so many things. I want that extreme makeover thing. thatd be awesome. haha just kidding. I could never get plastic surgery. Id probably change...my stomach.
113)Do you consider cheerleading a sport?:absolutely not.
114)Do you want your friends to do this survey?: what the hell. This question should be erased. fuckass.