Another mouse encounter...

Jul 29, 2010 23:18

I don't know if it was THE mouse, but yesterday morning there was another encounter...

I keep some bird food (seed, peanuts etc) in a plastic dustbin in my utility room. I don't feed as much in the summer, but I do like to supplement with a few peanuts etc in one feeder. Anyhow, yesterday morning I went to the bin to get some peanuts and noticed some flakes of grey plastic on top of the bag. How odd, thought I, and inspected the bin lid in more detail. There was a small hole. Not right the way through, but there. Deeply suspicious about the fact the hole was in the inside and not the outside of the lid, I dragged said bin out into the garden and began to remove the bags etc inside. And there, right in the bottom was a small mouse. It looked the same...

Now I am a reasonably tolerant woman, but I did NOT want this mouse in my utility room. So I tipped the dustbin up and ushered the mouse out in the direction of the flower bed. Did it exit stage left into the greenery never to be seen again? Hell no. It turned right, and ran straight into my small natural pond. So now I was faced with a potentially drowning mouse! Of course, I couldn't watch that so rushed over to the pond with garden trowel in hand thinking I'd have to get the damn thing out of the water. But, in a kinda cute way, he was sitting on a lily pad. We stared at one another for a brief minute and then he sort of ran across the pond weed, up and out and into the plants on the other side of the pond.

I really, really hope that is the last I see of him/her!!
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