I command you to go look up We Are The People by Empire of the Sun. Right now.
While you're at it: Balloons by the Foals, Blood on my Hands by the Used, Fancy Claps by Wolf Parade, I'm not Jesus by Apocalyptica.
I know none of those songs/bands go together, but neither does any of my music. So just listen and enjoy. I like them, but some people are gonna be like, "what the hell is this?" to half of it, and the other half be like ". . .". Something like that, I'm sure.
I haven't been posting a lot lately, mostly because I usually post in the mornings, and I've been spending my mornings like all this week sound asleep. I've been getting up at like 12, 1, in the afternoon; today was a little after noon. Most likely this is because staying up so late at night has finally caught up with me, and I've just been put in force sleep mode by my body and I oversleep my alarm. I think I'm pretty much caught up on my sleep, though. I went to bed at almost two this morning and when I tried going back to bed at about 9:30 this morning, I felt like I could go the day on the sleep I had, easy, but my stomach was hurting and so I felt like laying down . . . You know the rest, more or less. I'm tired already, and it's only been like four hours, but that could very well be because I'm a short, 105 lb or so girl who hasn't eaten much today.
Yeah, need to fix that. But there's nothing to eat in the house, I swear.
Oh, look up Music Is The Victim by Scissor Sisters. I feel like I've mentioned it before, but I don't care.
I did my 30 day drawing for today already, and posted it and yesterdays.
day 007 by ~
Hobbittas on
deviantART I've done a good job of keeping up with this challenge so far, and I'm so proud of myself for that. Plus, this challenge has been a great idea; it's done exactly what I had been hoping it would. It's taught me to challenge myself or else I won't get anywhere or know what I can do, and it's taught me problem solving abilities, and furthered my own abilities, etc. . . It's pretty much awesome and I'm enjoying myself immensely. The past few days' themes haven't been that exciting, but that'll change. Tomorrow's is Scene from a Movie (eh), but the day after is Siamese Twins, which is gonna be /super/ fun.
Okay so, onto all the fun and crazy project ideas and cool things I've found thanks to that geekcrafts group.
This is a mp3 player of some kind cozy, and it totally makes me want to go pick my own animal and make one for my zune. I know it gets dropped and stuff a lot (my bad; it broke it after a certain point . . . back button doesn't work), and so having its own little animal cozy would totally serve as protection. Considering my tendancies to drop it, and that my next Zune will be big and expensive, something to protect it is a totally good idea. But what animal? IDK, maybe something badass, like a giraffe, or a seagull . . . I really like the idea of a seagull. But, it seems too typical (probably because I live in Downeast Maine), soo . . . I'll get back to that, for sure.
Remember my mention of perler beads? Well,
check this out! Someone did really big perler bead images of Mega Man 2 characters. I've never played that game so that reference means nothing to me, but I still really like the idea, and wanna do it with some Zelda characters, or some Pokemon. I think that'd be totally bitchin', and I just got the idea to make perler bead space ships and stuff and add it to my glow in the dark universe ceiling. Bonus points if I can get glow in the dark perler beads.
Sketchy popsicle people. I wanna make some too.
I'm really impressed with the ink poisoning that must've gone on
here .
Okay so for awhile I've had plans to make my own satchel bag, and I even got two really cool fabrics when I went to Joanne's. So looking at these really pro looking bags really inspires me; I was playing Maplestory earlier and I was like, goddamn I wanna go make a bag . . . But I have that contest entry to work on after I finish that huge quest in Maplestory. I would have been working on that entry right now instead of that quest, but the tablet driver's messed up and I gotta restart, and since I already had the game loaded, I decided to do that first. But anyway. Here's those bags I mentioned:
Impressive little glass owl thing. Wish I could do that. It's srsly so cute and well done and I wanna make oone.
Besides the challenge and the contest entry, I have finally gotten back into Maplestory. They introduced a new class the other day, Dual Blades, and I made one and totally got caught up in the action . . . Plus, the Chaos Scroll I found helps a lot, too; Once I sell that thing, I'll never have to worry about where I'm gonna get the money for my next set of armor again. The buying spree I'm gonna go on after I sell that is gonna be /so amazing/ and /so much fun/. It won't be today, 'cause, yeah, got stuff I gotta do after that quest, but it'll totally go down sometime next week.
Speaking of next week, I have an appointment on Wednesday to check my blood levels. It'll have been two weeks since my last treatment on that day, and so if everything looks good, they're gonna take this tube out and I can go back to work and be a normal person! I can't wait to shower (spongebaths get old, yo, and it's not the same), and to earn money so I can afford all the cool stuff I want. Like school clothes and contacts. Not really, it's more like xbox stuff and project materials, but that's what comes first, so eh. Whatever.
Still haven't looked into that factory job yet; will next week while I'm in town for my testings.
Peace out, yo.