So yesterday I was looking at
this post and its comments even though I'd been warned that it had major spoilers for everything ever. Sure enough, I read a BSG spoiler even though I thought I'd be clever enough to avert my eyes if someone started talking about BSG. So this was totally my fault and I'm not too upset
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I think the biggest problem I had with Starbuck's character development here was not that we start seeing more of her problems and flaws (because those were always there), but that it stops being balanced out with plenty of reminders of how awesome she is. In season 3 I thought there was too much relationship and personal drama and not enough kicking ass. So yeah, I like early Starbuck better. There is some stuff that happens with her later that I like more in some ways and less in others, but I won't say anything about that until you've seen more of the show. I have to be super vague now but ask me about this again when some things happen that will definitely cause you to understand why I can't spoil you now. Ask me for details later.
(Though I will say you're coming up on my favorite BSG episode, and it involves Starbuck relationship drama, and I am so jealous right now OMG!)
Tell me which is the upcoming episode that you love and I'll be thinking of you when I watch it. I'm getting ready to watch "A Measure of Salvation" now.
I love that episode, and I hope it kills her dead too (in a manner of speaking!)
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