It's gone by fast, my friends. Fast. Which is a good thing, I suppose, since I'm already DYING for the weekend. Even though I have a three page paper due on Tuesday. =/
I do get to go on the campus ministries campout tomorrow, which is good. I don't have as much in common with my roommate as well as I initially thought I would, and the other people on my floor aren't really "my crowd" if you know what I mean. I dunno, it seems like there's already a lot of people who want to go out and get drunk all the time, which is really annoying, but there are quite a few people who agree with me about that, and my peer mentor told me she didn't drink at all until she turned 21, so that gives me hope. =)
Most of my friends live in other dorms, which is annoying since it means I have to walk all the way up campus to visit them. And that walk is BRUTAL. I'm gonna have great calf muscles by the end of this year. =D
I don't feel like I have as much homework as SOME people. I do have a lot of reading, but I'm a fast reader. I feel like I haven't been working as much as other people. Maybe I need to do more, but I dunno, there's only so many times I can read the I spent the first half of the afternoon doing homework, and the second half watching the Office....which....I'm sure I clogged up everyone's twitter feeds with my The Office squee-age. Uh. Imma stop doing that.
My sister makes awesome vids. Check them out and love them. Can't get over how epic she is. =D <3
Oh hey, Pirates of the Caribbean is on TV.
Blargh. Today has just been super boring. I only had one class - Swedish - which, while it's fun, I don't know anyone in. =/ Then I found out I didn't get into symphonic band, which was disappointing. So, then I watched The Office.
I need to go to bed a little earlier tonight. My roomie is going to try and go to bed by 10 on school nights, so I probably will as well. Sleep will be good.
Eh. It's just been a slightly icky day. Looking forward to tomorrow, though! OH, and last night was awesome, I spent like the entire night hanging out with my friend Greg (who we joke that he's stalking me since I've known him since kindergarten) and we watched Nightmare on Elm Street with a bunch of other people. It was frickin GREAT. We yelled at the screen and guessed who was going to survive and stuff. (We were actually wrong....we thought Katie Cassidy was going to live....and.....spoiler....she was the second to die.) And then we all just started laughing at the end for some reason. Honestly, I really did like the movie, though....XD
I'm gonna take my contacts out and then go to the floor meeting....probably come back, do some reading and/or writing and go to bed. Hope your days have been good, friends. 8-)