This meme is fun...

Nov 24, 2011 20:00

I got it from malicat!

(1) Think of up to 20 ships you support.
(2) List them using descriptions of the characters involved rather than their names.
(3) Have your flist guess as many of the ships as they can.

Notes: I only used TV ships, only one per show, and shows can be over but on the contrary very new! I picked the ones that popped into my head and for which I was able to find fun descriptions.
Comments are screened!

1. moral compass/lots of sisters (m/f) - Helo/Athena (BSG)
2. young mayor/Harry Potter girl (m/f) - Ben/Leslie (Parks&Rec)
3. lady/heir (f/m) - Mary/Matthew (Downton Abbey)
4. sees dead people a lot/job description requires a gun (m/m) - David/Keith (Six Feet Under)
5. wears a peculiar ring/believes in astrology (m/f) => this show has 6 seasons (but no movie) - Charlie/Claire (LOST)
6. kissed a guy/broke a porch swing (m/f) - Chandler/Monica (Friends)
7. Frenchie/pilot (f/m) - Colette/Dean (Pan Am)
8. stay-at-home/lawyer (m/f) - Joel/Julia (Parenthood)
9. good at speeches/good at advice (m/f) => they're married - Mr&Mrs Coach (FNL)
10. pilot/warrior (m/f) - Wash/Zoe (Firefly)
11. loves Christmas/loves Doctor Who (f/m) - Parker/Hardison (Leverage)
12. very patient/really patient (m/f or f/m, there's not really a difference haha) - Amy/Rory (Doctor Who)
13. looks good for his age/looks good in a suit (m/m) - Jack/Ianto (Torchwood)
14. rich but broken/tiny blonde (m/f) - Logan/Veronica (Veronica Mars)
15. The Price is Right contestant/Hockey fan (m/f) - Barney/Robin (HIMYM)
16. multiple personalities/multiple identities (m/f or f/m, there's not really a difference either lol) => the characters are not often referred to by their real names - Victor/Sierra (Dollhouse)
17. time-traveler/ex-barista (f/m) - Erica/Kai (Being Erica)
18. klutz/chef (f/m) - Miranda/Gary (Miranda)
19. Spider-Man/clown (m/m) - Mitchell/Cameron (Modern Family)
20. sees everything/says everything (m/f) - Xander/Anya (BTVS)

need to write a real update soon...

ETA: ok ok I'll help

ETA2: all ships were guessed!

lj:meme, tv

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