All was well

Jul 13, 2011 22:37

Ok, I lied on Twitter, I do already have thoughts about Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallow, part 2. Which I've seen last night at the big premiere in Paris. Not in really good conditions because it was in French (ughhhh the dialogue is often painful), our seats were not good for the 3D aspect of it (but A+++ to see the actors so...) and a few fans were hysterically crying at some points, so ridiculously it sounded fake and it was distracting.

But overall I really liked it, I don't know yet how much, I need to saw it again properly.

Awesome parts (in random order)

- The Prince's Tale!!! Now THAT's how you do a flashback!!! Why didn't they do that for Snape's Worst Memory in OotP??? It was beautiful and moving and Alan Rickman is fantastic even with the ridiculous let's make him look younger make-up. ALWAYS. I cried.
- MCGONAGALL IS SO FIERCE OMG. People cheered a lot during the movie and she got a lot of it. I love love love her. Maggie Smith is so perfect. The sacking of Snape! The sending away the Slytherins! (though I've always disliked the fact that they say not everyone in Slytherin is bad and yet they treat them as such). The being glad that Harry is here! The suits of armor!
- "Not my daughter, you bitch"
- "of course it's happening in your head, but that doesn't mean it's not true" => I almost shouted "yessss!" when I heard it
- obviously, THE KISS!!! <333 though it looked a bit weird with Ron's hair all over his face lol. And Ron running after Draco & co saying "that's my girlfriend!!!" or sth like that as idk yet what he actually says in English :(
Wish the scene were more like in the books though, with the house-elves thing triggering it (but in the movies there's no SPEW...) or Harry being all "Oi! there's a war going on!"
- HBC as Hermione as Bellatrix. Fantastic. Hilarious. I wanted more of it!
- The Forest again. Omg. Tears running down my face. Perfection.

there's more but it's more general, like the overall look of the movie, the action scenes...

lol what part
- Neville loves Luna? not that I'm not liking it but lol
- Harry and Ron taking off their shirts after jumping into the lake lol it triggered cheers and whistles from the audience. Seriously, don't they know some spells to dry clothes? haha
- does Lavender Brown die in the book? I don't think so, right?

not so awesome parts
- So sad Neville didn't get to say the quote in my icon + "Dumbledore's Army!!!". I get that killing Nagini later made for more suspense for the movie but I love this quote so much!!!
- the lack of a death scene for Fred. I was ok with Remus&Tonks because that's what happens in the book but Fred! With Percy coming back just before! Making jokes until the end! I saw his body and his family crying (George ;____;) but it didn't have the same emotional impact for me. They spent so little time on it that it didn't feel real you know?
- the lack of explanation about Dumbledore & his family and yet they hint to it several times! frustrating
- no mention of Harry sacrificing himself for the others being the thing protecting them after he returns, and how in the end it's the lack of love that kills Voldemort. Though I guess Neville's speech is a kind of replacement?
- the make-up in the epilogue lol some looked better than others

it's a book! and a movie!:hp

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