Apr 19, 2010 20:36

After settling the ties again...

8 votes went to...

as for the guys

8 votes went to...

Noooooooooooooooo! Tahmoh ;____;
That was quite a surprise as last year he was 3rd overall! Is it because ppl associate him with Ballard now instead of the more awesome Helo?

What do Morena and Tahmoh have in common? I have met them both and they're stunning in person. STUNNING. And super sweet.

everyone got at least 2 votes this time!

but let's give it up for Ewan McGregor, champion of the tie breaker polls

Round 8 Poll

Poll Hotties Poll, Round 8

Like these polls? my friends benelie, littlehutt, mabo and satine_59 would love to have your votes. ^^
(if you have a poll and want me to mention it, tell me!)

poll:hot celebs

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