mmm seems like I'm friends with Photoshop again
because... new layout!
hobbitofkobol hobbitofkobol hobbitofkobol!!!
I checked my layout tag and turns out I'd had my Team Tahcco layout since April 8... 2008! And the change before that was in July 2007.
And my laptop wallpaper? Haven't changed it in more than 2 years (it's still BSG's Last Supper photoshoot). I guess I'm a creature of habit.
So as usual I changed everything about my LJ: colors, header, titles, mood theme, friends only banner, default icon... everything has to match! I'm particularly proud of what I did with the "leave a comment" & "comments" text. And "current music" and "current mood".
The only thing I never change is my "name". I've been "The Other Crazy French Chick" since we met Rousseau on Lost and it doesn't feel right to change it just as the show is about to end!
Maybe I'll change my profile too. Not sure.
I need to work on the alphabet meme... all pictures are ready but I haven't typed anything past letter G... oops.