Status on my BSG auction item: it has shipped and has traveled from California to Philadelphia. Estimated delivery date = Monday. Merchandise description: Costume from TV Show. LOL
Can't remember if I mentioned this here but I landed a 2nd itw for a job! (the one from last week) Itw is next Wednesday. I guess my "spontaneous cover letter" was good enough!
Have started reading the Sookie Stackhouse books. Sometimes listening to the audiobooks instead. A woman narrates the story and her Bill & Sam voices are hilarious (to me). Also, this quote:
"Eric is much better looking than I am," Bill said. "He is more powerful, and I understand sex with him is unforgettable."
I've joined yet another whedonland-like community! It's
himymland and it's focused on - wait for it - How I Met Your Mother! I bet you didn't see that coming, right? lol So please join the fun! I landed in Team Lily&Marshall.
I had other things to write about and forgot. I'm busy writing fic for the fic fest at
whedonland. One is done (Better Off Ted fic!), two to go! One of these is a unlikely crossover with (so far) 3 references to 3 other shows lol.
Oh I know, I'm watching Merlin. It's fun. It makes me say things like "Hey, King Giles, shouldn't you be doing the research about spells instead of letting Gaius do it?" And of course in my mind the only Gaius is Baltar. The next episode I'm watching has Santiago Cabrera, and I knew he was in it, but I didn't know he was playing Lancelot! I find this hilarious for a reason.
Glee is back (for real) tonight!!! Fall season is starting at least!!! yay!!!