I remember it differently

Jul 16, 2008 22:31

I need more Dr Horrible icons! Where are they?
I was singing A Man's gotta do all day long in my head at work. A bit embarrassing as it makes me grin like an idiot.
I heard the three Cow-Boys from Bad Horse are the three Whedon brothers? lol

Tahmoh itw!!! In which he looks hot (duuuh) and doesn't want to talk about BSG's last shooting day because he might "break down and cry on [you]". Aww. And mentions that the ending is "perfect".

DW rewatching: Last night I watched The Girl in the Fireplace. LOVE that episode. Still one of my favorites.

Amy Poehler in the Office spin-off... thoughts? I mostly know her as Wife of GOB lol.

people:tahmoh, tv:doctor who, tv:dr horrible, tv:the office, tv:bsg

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