Helo/Tahmoh picspam: part 3.0!

Jun 10, 2007 16:19

This is later than I intended... internet problems... and there are SO MANY good caps in season 3... that I'm doing this in 2 parts!

Caps by ariane179254 this time and they're gorgeous (HDTV!) and make me want to make icons. I had to resize them for the picspam because they're so huge.

So here we go for another picspam featuring Karl C. Agathon... btw I'm thinking of making a poll to determine what C. stands for. So leave me your suggestions in comments. The ones I already have are Cute, Chick-magnet, Chike bam bam, Christopher, Cylon-lovah and Chief's-boytoy.

The first Helo face we see in season 3. He's thinking.

And looking at some computer screens

Talking on the phone

In the middle of the CIC

With a shiny dark uniform

omg! Helo is now Galactica's XO

and grew some hair

Okay, back to business. Episode 2. As the XO (and apparently Captain), Helo is invited in all the fancy parties.

And get to be the prettiest in the room, which is kinda easy when the room is filled with Papa "Pornstache" Adama, Fat Soft Lee and random old officers.

But still. Prettiest.

During Summer Hiatus, he married Sharon! She's still in the brig though, but not for long as Papa Adama decides they need her and she gets sworn in as Colonial Officer again.

Helo is so proud!

Notice how she's NOT pointing a gun at him this time.

so the Agathons share a moment

you know, before Sharon gets sent to a highly dangerous rescue mission

yeah, I have nothing to say here

I could include less pics but... nay...

Helo is worried to see his wife going on New Caprica

where she meets Anders! (that was your gratuitous Anders cap, you can now go back to your regular program)

Most of episode 3's action is on New Caprica, while the fleet prepares for the rescue mission.

Helo is not just chilling on the deck

He participates in a goodbye-be-careful-don't-die traditional ceremony

Because the Pegasus, run by the Adamas (charming young couple... not), does not take part in the Rescue Mission.

In episode 4, Helo is mainly in the CIC doing... XO stuff

you know, looking at screens

speaking on the phone

but very handsomely so

at one point, things are really bad "oh noes! more baseships!"

and they think they're gonna die

but phew! The Young Adamas come to the rescue

and everyone not dead reunite!!!

On episode 5, Helo is still in the CIC

and argues with Patchy Tigh

why? because Patchy feels he stole his job?

Noooo! Because he's protecting Gaeta (or more specifically, Gaeta's computer skillz) on the old man's orders. Gaeta looks very good with his curly hair, if I may say so.

Episode 6 makes me all cap-happy

I'm not talking about these CIC caps, which are starting to bore me

THIS is a good start. The guys get their arms body in shape

I feel like Anders is missing

Then Helo goes chilling out in the rec room

He doesn't play cards

and has sleeves on, which is very disappointing

Hello Helo? Rec room? Loosen up!

Then people start discussing his wife, which makes him feel very protective again

They're trying to find a new call sign for her, as she's NOT Boomer. (Note: My Ipod's name is Boomer. Well it's pink, so it's a girl. And it's more than just a machiiiiine. /random)

And Helo likes Athena, so Athena it is. I can't help thinking that "Boomer" was cooler. Also, pronouncing the "th" sound is problematic to me.

Uh-Ho, who's that?

Colonel Tigh! Who makes things awkward *gulps*

and makes remarks about the fleet


I can't remember what happens in this scene

I do know what's going on in episode 7 though

Sharon is on a mission to inspect the derelict baseship

so our Helo worries as all the Cylons there are dead/dying... oops!

but gets the job done!

when they return, they go into quarantine and Helo can't see Sharon

which is stupid as they've determined the virus doesn't affect humans

there's a VIC (Very Important Characters) meeting, and Helo is invited!

and is annoyed

Dr Cottle is babbling sth about the virus and its vaccine

Helo protests about using the vaccine to gain information, it's just not right!

he's even more pissed off on Colonial One (haha Bambi looks so tiny)

he tries to stay calm but...

wait a minute...

are they talking about Cylon genocide?


if you ask me, not a very good idea to invite the only man married to a Cylon to a yay-let's-kills-all-of-them meeting

in better news...

Sharon is okay!

saved by her dead-but-not-so-much-wait-they-don't-know-about-it-yet baby!

Helo informs her of the situation

"baby, they're going to kill all your fellow Cylons"

to which Sharon answers *shrugs* "yeah, whatever"


Helo, can you really expect a woman, even a robot, to listen to you when you're looking at her like that?

Anyway, not helped by his wife, Helo decided to sabotage the mission himself

"geez, I feel so constricted in this uniform, especially around the arms"

SABOTAGE! The ancient Dutch art of screwing up your own team.

He tells his wife what he's done "I had to do it, or the show would be boring, it's like Harry Potter sans Lord Voldemort"

apparently he's hated by some fans for this! I didn't know you could hate Helo!

so she jumps on this opportunity

to comfort him


Episode 8 is all about looking pretty

in the CIC!

man, I regret the good old Caprica or raptor days for Helo

and his pilot uniform too

there's a ceremony with Adama getting a medal and Helo is what? Bowing with Roslin? Helping her as the gentleman he is? Idk, this cap is confusing


Episode 9 is eye-candy. There's a boxing competition

And Helo is facing Lee. This cap is terrifying on a Lee point of view. Should they even be boxing in the same category?

Because Helo is so huge

and strong

and made of awesome


and not busy having flashbacks

"Hey Lee, wake up, you're not on Craphole Island!"

Helo has a very supporting wife

mmm... and he looks good even when drinking

seriously, least dysfunctional couple of the fleet, and they're Human/Cylon!

so Helo wins! HUZZAH!!!

After that Helo supports the old man

and watches the Kara/Lee fight

Episode 10 makes Helo angry as his wife is being used again

"why always her?"

well, she's fireproof, or sth

then I rejoice, because Helo is back in the air group, as senior flight officer!


he gets to applaude Kat

and to mourn her death

In episode 11, Helo learns that his daughter is still alive! I have no caps for this but yay and omg liars!!!1!!111!!!

Episode 12 is VERY important. The Agathons want their daughter back


But Helo is relucant to do it Sharon's way

I have nothing funny or witty to say about this scene :(



it's so beautiful

and sad

and powerful

So Helo is being judged by Roslin&Adama

and doesn't like it, but who would?

how can they doubt his loyalty?

THEY're the ones who pretend his baby was dead! And failed to protect her

But Sharon manages to rescue Hera and to fly back to the fleet



omg Helo+baby

Sharon has brought a surprise!

A Cylon friend!

*dies and is dead*

it's like Helo has two jobs now! Raptor duties and High-Level meetings duties!

He goes to his BFF Kara

and proceeds to go through her crap

to find... a PLOT DEVICE!

"wow I think my discovery is going to majorly affect the course of the next episodes"

That's it for now! Part 2 will have The Woman King aka The Helo Fest Episode so I'm cutting the season just before that.

people:tahmoh, fandom:picspam, tv:bsg

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