j'ai pas le teeeeeeemps, mon espriiiiiit glisse ailleuuuuuurs. Yikes.

Oct 29, 2006 01:09

Had a great weekend so far.

- last night and today with my friends was great, we had a lot of fun about silly things and drank rum and ate a lot of things with maple syrup, including a "poutine" that was very weird
- woke up at 11:15 am because my cell phone rang, I didn't answer but some guy left a message saying I had sent him a CV and that I could call him back. The thing is, I have no idea who he is (name was no familiar) and he didn't say which company he was from! I don't even know if it's for an internship or a job... And anyway, WHO calls you about your CV at 11:00 am on a SATURDAY? I didn't have any of my things with me, so I thought I'd call back on Monday, I fell it's more appropriate!
- football game was great!!! we won! And played well! But missed a penalty kick, again. And I've realized that I didn't have any favorite player in the team as the best ones had left but now I have one. Julio Hernan Rossi is made of awesome.
- tonight I'm sleeping one hour more because it's Winter Time day
- tomorrow my brother and his family are spending the day at home, yay

and GIP!!! how great is this icon by canadianmobster!!! I totally thought of this crossever during the last Lost episode!!!

people commenting on icon posts can be so weird sometimes

I have the Prison Break French theme song stuck in my head. Ugh. How awful.
I also heard Joey Starr's new "song". It hurts my ears for real.
I really hate French Rap music. Except IAM, the lyrics are very good, especially the third album and they had a song with a lot of references to Star Wars, that was so cool.

music, rl, football:fcn, lj:gip, job:job search

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