Well tonight's Hodgman extravaganza was, as advertised, different from yesterday's and equally awesome. I brought my camera this time, and took lots of pictures, some of which I am very pleased with. The entire album is
Instead of free hotdogs, there was instead free liquor. What was this free liquor and what is it's story?
the answer is provided )
Comments 1
"how's that Jurassic Park thing going" - LOL!!!!!
Go, you! Now, next year, you shall have to, at midnight of the day before this, eat a dinner of a fully loaded Chicago dog and malodorous Malort.
And, if you're lucky and you're still alive after that - you can rejoice!
Okay... so you CAN at least have an icon with the H in rays, followed by "Have you found the non-bird yet?", and a pic of Malort with the words "Yes, it kills men". One after the other. Just think how it will play with people's minds... muahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!
Now... stop posting interesting stuff and let me go to bed, dammit! *G*
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