changing the subject

May 16, 2005 18:28

hey 2 all..

i feel like i've said this already, but i came to "the core" sunday afternoon and was thoroughly impressed by kristin's band...i really was shocked cuz you were all "screwing around" tuning and such getting ready to start and then you did and it sounded all FREAKIN' AWESOME!...minus luke's voice...but it really rocked my socks off--didn't expect it to be so good--PROPS to KristInsaine!

sry i missed escuela today, i felt unusually ill this morning and my sister was leaving today for España so my parents decided to keep me home and let me go to the airport to see her off...and seeing that she was flying out of RDU (raleigh) i didn't make it home in time to come in for the end of the day.

i auditioned for "Triad Idol" on a whim yesterday (sunday) at 4seasons mall...just picked up a song (Bridge Over Troubled Water) and memorized a verse and the cool (really high) ending and went--got through the first round, round 2 is this saturday at the Odeon Theatre at the coliseum somewhere...if you have song ideas, give them to me! i get 60 seconds to sing to the judges so help me look for something that will show off my range..thanks

thanks to em for making me's surprising how much a picture can do!

apologizing to kt, i reread my comment to your comment and i sounded a little snappyish to me and that's not what i was going for, sry.

and Props to all of my female friends who read this for looking awesome @ prom!! ...i'd say props to adam but that could just be weird....LOL

c u all 2morrow
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