Fic: Noises In The Night - G, Adventure, Gen, Humor, Bilbo, Thorin & Co.

Jul 18, 2013 21:46

Title: Noises In The Night
Author: The Artful Dodger / dodger_sister
Fandom: The Hobbit
Category: Altered-Reality, Action/Adventure, Fic-For-Kids, Gen, Humor
Characters/Pairing: Bilbo, Bofur, Balin, Fili, Kili, Dwalin with Gloin, Oin, Bombur, Bifur, Dori, Nori, Ori and Thorin Oakenshield.
Rating: G
Warnings: Talk of ghosts, dragons and trolls.
Spoilers: None.
Word Count: 6,057 words.
Disclaimer: The Hobbit is JRR Tolkien’s and other people’s, but not mine. This story was written for fun, not profit.
Summary: There is a terrible wailing noise coming from Bilbo’s cellar. With the help of his friends, Bilbo must be brave enough to face the monster that has found its way inside his home.

It started the day after the big storm, when everything had been soaked with rain and the wind had brought down trees along the road and everyone had huddled around their fireplaces, until even those warming flames had been blown out by the ferocity of the howling gale outside.

character:balin, fanfic, character:bilbo, rating:g, character:fili, character:kili, character:bofur, character:thorin oakenshield, character:dwalin

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