All Joys Are Due, Bilbo/Thorin fic

Apr 07, 2013 18:22

Title: All Joys Are Due
Author: janne_d
Pairing: Bilbo/Thorin
Word count: approx 4500
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Not mine, sigh.
Summary: PWP for the kink meme prompt "I would like to read a kinky smut scene were Bilbo is really vanilla (related to above, Hobbits are very proper folk even in bed, so they totally do it without the lights, etc, etc) but Dwarves are very passionate... and Bilbo LOVES it". (Though it isn't actually particularly kinky.) Post BoFA, Everybody Lives!AU.
Warnings: Has not been beta read. I apologise for any embarrassing errors.

All Joys Are Due at my LJ.

fanfic, character:thorin oakenshield, character:bifur

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