Fic: Forge

Mar 19, 2013 05:58

Title: Forge
Characters: Fíli, Kíli, Thorin
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Battle of Five Armies, canonical character death
Word Count: 2838
Disclaimer: Not real, not mine, not making money from this
Summary: "A throne, a crown prince, a line of kings." An exploration of brotherhood and birthrights.

Kíli seldom sings. He is so conscious of being out of tune that it pains him. As a result, he prefers the harp, or the fiddle, but most of all his brother’s voice, not quite as low as their uncle’s but still deep and searching, as though they have both lost some infinite thing. 

character:kili, fanfic, character:thorin oakenshield, character:fili

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