Fic: "Dawn of a New Age," (1/?) The Hobbit, Bilbo/Thorin, R

Jan 25, 2013 06:38

This is going to be an angst fest of a 'verse. Fair warning.

Dawn of a New Age (1/?)
Author: _beetle_
Fandom: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey AU
Pairing: Bilbo/Thorin UST, allusions to past NON-CON.
Rating: R
Word Count: Approx. 4000
Disclaimer: I own the big bagel.
Notes/Warnings: Set post the retaking of Erebor. (And yes, I know Khuzdul is the secret language of dwarves only. But Thorin has his reasons for taking liberties with that rule . . . and since he's the one wearing the big, shiny crown ::shrugs::) Anyway, the previous story in this verse is here.
Summary: It is the dawn of a new age in Erebor. Life goes along at its own jangling pace. Everyone is still adjusting. Thorin and Bilbo have grown . . . closer, but Bilbo's memory-his lack thereof-comes between them. Written as a sequel to “Defiled.”

Dawn of a New Age

Crossposted . . . for realz, y'all.

character:kili, character:bilbo, character:thorin oakenshield, character:fili

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