Fic: "A Dwarf's Way," (1/1) The Hobbit, Bilbo/Bofur, R

Jan 19, 2013 10:57

More prompt!fic from the hobbit_kink meme. Go check it out for some awesome prompts and fills :)

A Dwarf's Way
Author: _beetle_
Fandom: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
Pairing: Bilbo/Bofur
Rating: R
Word Count: Approx. 2800
Disclaimer: So not mine, it's criminal . . . figuratively speaking, of course.
Notes/Warnings: Spoiler-ish, but only if you squint. Takes place right where the movie left off.
Summary: Written for the hobbit_kink prompt: Bilbo asks Bofur why he was so forgiving after accidentally insulting him with the "you have no home!" piece and why he was so keen on Bilbo not going. Anon just really wants flustered!Bofur trying to beat around the bush and knowing!Bilbo who is like "i kno u like me just say it."

A Dwarf's Way

Crossposted, for a myriad of reasons.

fanfic, character:bofur, character:bilbo, character:dwalin

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