Written for a
hobbit_kink prompt that read:
I just really want Graham driving Richard absolutely mad by not letting him come for ages.
+10 different kinds of stimulation
+100 desperate!Richard begging to be allowed to come
+1000 Graham really getting off on it as well
+my soul Richard isn't tied up and could easily just interfere and get himself off but he chooses not to.
title: If I could wake up at a different place, in a different time
pairing: richard armitage/graham mctavish
charcters: richard armitage, graham mctavish, dean o'gorman, aidan turner
rating: pg-13 for this part
word count: 1500
a/n: This is going to be multi-part so any comments to keep my going are very much appreciated!
richard/graham: If I could wake up at a different place, in a different time (1/?)