Lunch Out, Mum's Health, The Sims Freeplay

Aug 04, 2013 01:32

Little in the way of posting as not much has been happening- its the heat, which is really getting to me, thogh at least I have my coping skills honed to a fine art, windows and fans and much lying around after a shower wearing very little, which helps. Could do without the couple of nights when I got so overheated I felt phyically sick, though a cold cloth round my neck and just sitting near a window and fan till my core temperatire dropped worked in the end.

It was a bit cooler the other week though, well, enough to risk going out, so I ambled down to town, though mum very sensibly paid for a cab down for once, rather than me getting overheated and stressed on the bus. I didn't do much but it was so good to be out and about, grabbed my fave chocs from Aldi, poked round a discount shop, wandered through Boots (they have a handy lift) and spotted a little cream shrug designed for tiny babies but which looked ideal for my dolls, was on sale too. And then I really didn't want to go home, so I ended up in Bella Italia for lunch. Pleasant enough sitting there drinking coke and poking my phone waiting for me food, though I'm boycotting O2s free wifi in future, they wanted way more info that is normal for such things and having finally got logged in, it promptly blocked the site I wanted to access for "security" reasons. Yeah, right, and the fact its a fanfiction site with pop up warnings cos it contains slash writing for over-18s only (no images, just stories) has *nothing* to do with it. Growl. Have been accessing that site via various devices and providers for over 18 months, not sure what kind of "security" they have in mind, could it possibly be - gasp! - keeping me safe from naughtiness? Bad O2, no cookie.

The meal was so-so, bit limited on eateries at that end of town, unfortunately but I did like the dessert, tiny slices of lemon cheesecake and chocolate torte, just enough for a decent taste of same but not too much to be too sweet. And I overheard an elderly couple discussing "voucher" whilst brandishing a mobile phone at the waiter - quick google revealed a money-off voucher valid for that week, so I got my own and brandisheed it in turn so the dessert was pretty much free, result! :)

This week was a bit stressful as mum had a fall and wrenched her knee. I still can't believe I slept through the ambulance being called and her being helped back up by the two paramedics, with much chatting and the like involved, but I was late in bed thanks to the heat so must have been deeply asleep at that point. She's fine, the doctor came out to check on her knee which swelled up later that morning and prescribed frozen peas. Well, an ice pack but that's what peas are for, right? *grin* And mum's fine, bit shaken up and feeeling stupid for falling and needing help, she just went dizzy (eardrops overnight is a bad plan, I could have told her that!) and had a bad time the rest of that day with much pain and stiffness, dragging herself along on her zimmer frame, but she's more herself today, thankfully.

Next week dad has a colonoscopy so has the joy of a low residue diet and that awful stuff you have to take to "clean things out" *shudder* So I scooted round to Tesco this morning to get stuff in for him to eat, white bread and sugary drinks, and a chicken to turn into stock for him to have on the last day, we normally have wholemeal, and no sugary drinks due to diabetes, so hopefully those things will help. Treated him to a nice cream cake as well as a treat for having to have a nasty thing done, poor lamb. The prep on those things is the worst, the actual tube-stuck-up-places is less of an issue, IMO!

I really enjoyed being at Tesco, not gone in ages as we get a delivery each week and its usually more intreresting to go into town, so it made a change to wander around, got a nice hot chicken and some fresh bread for lunch, and the Hovis white bread I got for dad makes for very nice sandwiches, I discovered. He can keep his Lucosade though, that stuff's foul.

And I should really have done a doll blog post tonight, given I have the photos and the info all lined up, but I had surveys to do and a couple of emails to answer so maybe tomorrow or Monday for that post. I'll blame the heat as I have several posts lined up and a couple of photoshoot ideas too (got the props at least), so that shold keep me busy this week if the heat limits my outings yet again. Besides, a lot of my attention was taken up by The Sims Freeplay which has improved since I used to play it on my smartphone. Much better on the larger tablet screen, and my 2 fave Sims are about to have a baby, aww. Apparently the same sex couples can do likewise which is cheering :)

Anyone else playing Sims Freeplay? Supposedly you can add neighbours but I've yet to do so...
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