Personal Summary - Colossians 1:1-12
- Grace and peace come from the Father.
- The gospel, when heard and understood, brings fruit.
- When you hear of the gospel bearing fruit in someone:
- 1) Be an "informer" like Epaphras, give good reports of what you see God doing in others (type of edifying)
- 2) Pray for the that person, seeing fruit should lead to intercession.
Pray for:
- Knowledge of God's will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding (Prov. 24:3-4)
Why: So that they will walk in a manner worthy of Christ.
- To please Him completely
- To bear MORE fruit
- To increase in the knowledge of God
- To be strengthened with power ACC to God's Might
Why2: So that they will be filled with steadfastness, patience, joy, and thanks.