getting an inch of snow is like winning ten cents in the lottery

Nov 14, 2010 02:04

Luckily, though, today, we got rather more than ten cents.  It is the first snow of the year!  And what a snow.  I awoke this morning to a veritable blizzard going on outside, and never mind the cold and the wet and the fact that it makes getting around via public transportation as I do a bitch, I am as giddily gleeful as a child over it.  It just makes me want to go outside and roll around and build snow forts and throw snowballs at people.  I do not know that that particular urge will ever die, no-matter how old I get.

Hanyway!  I promised the lovely earlwyn  some weeks ago that I would take pictures when we got some snow, so she could show her Britlander pals and laugh at their paltry experience with snow, because she, like I, is a hardy Minnesotan.  So!  Snow!  I was at work for the majority of today, but I snapped a few shots both on my way there and my way back.

The view from my back door at 9:30 this morning.

A more immediate view from my back door.  This bicycle is not mine.  My bike, however, is next to it, and it occurs to me that possibly I should try and find somewhere less... outside for it to live over the winter.

It was a really thick, heavy, wet snow.  The proper kind that clings to everything, and damn gravity.

After work!  That pile of snow is the result of steady precipitation all day.  At its peak, it's maybe... five foot tall?  Ish?  I dunno, I didn't have a yardstick.

Footprints!  Mine are the ones on the left.  As to the set on the right?  They are a mystery; no-one will ever know.

This was accidental because my camera decided it didn't want to focus, but I think it's damn pretty, so I'll stick it here on the end anyway.

picspam!!!, i heart minnesotan weather

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