well i stand up next to a mountain/ chop it down with the edge of my hand

Jan 02, 2010 04:30

In honour of the new year, Eight!icon.  Because, as we know, Eight is all about New Years.  He's a slag who kisses Earth girls at midnight.  I hope you all had a lovely and enjoyable New Years, with or without kisses from Earth girls.  Or Time Lords.

As for myself, I (or rather we- my darling flatmate Berni and myself) had a party.  And it was a proper old shindig at that; booze in enormous quantities, cookies and Dip made, kitchen cleaned 'til it was spotless, living room rearranged so as to be more conducive to sitting around, as one does at a party.  And all in all, my friends, I daresay it was a fucking awesome party.  earlwyn  may vouch for me here.  Far more people than I'd expected showed up, and there were all the things necessary at a party such as this: the token sick drunk, awkward snogging, drunken dancing (and singing), some drama (just enough but not too much), and shots of Bailey's topped with aerosole whipped cream- many blowjob jokes were made.  I went to sleep at six this morning with Berni sharing my mattress because the aforementioned token sick drunk was passed out on her bed.

Generally speaking, I am not the kind of person who really parties like that.  That in mind?  Damn proud of myself.  Also, my Dip was divine- I am also, quite reasonably, I think, proud of that.

In addition to the stereotypical partying, New Years of course means Yuletide reveals.  And so I present to you my crime for Yuletide this year:

A Theory of Quantum Mechanics
A Rosencrantz and Guildenstern fanfiction
(In which Guildenstern is bothered, and past lives are invented)

Possibly as per usual, I wrote it at the extreme last minute- more last minute than usual, actually.  Within two hours.  Considering that, I'm very pleased with how it turned out.  Even that aside, I think, I'm pleased with it.  Initially, I wanted to spend more time exploring the idea of the two of them telling stories about their nonexistant pasts, but I like the format that I played around with for this.  And the Schrodinger's cat thing, which came out of bloody nowhere.  I blame Zagreus.

Also, I just watched The End of Time, part Two.  I am... conflicted.  But I will post a proper reaction post later, once I've gathered my thoughts somewhat, and possibly given it a rewatch.

partaaaay, fandom: doctor who, yuletide treasures, fandom: rosencrantz and guildenstern, ficcage

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