it's a little ridiculous how dependant i am on my computer

Jul 29, 2009 04:22

Dear laptop,

Never, ever do that again, do you understand?  I don't care how distressed you are, offering me nothing but a blank, black screen with no Windows forthcoming even after I restart you half a dozen times is not acceptable.  Furthermore, pray do not freeze on me, so necessitating a manual restart.  Really.  Don't.  Ever.  I'm jolly glad that Safe Mode worked well enough for you to restart again with your normal capabilities, but I'd appreciate if you didn't put me under that kind of stress.  You know what a chill sort I am; hyperventilation is not something I am accustomed to.

Ta very much,


Also!  I made myself an icon!  I have never made an icon before in my life, and I'm rather pleased by this turn of events.  The icon is of me, which, perhaps, seems a trifle vain, but I did my employee photos at work today (I work at one of those Old Time Photo places) and so I felt compelled.  It's copyright protected, of course, which makes me a horrible, horrible employee, but there we are.

augh, i have a job!

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