Feb 17, 2008 16:50
Already feeling vaguely better. This may or may not have something to do with being shot a lot today.
We went paintballing for Pinky's birthday! First three games, I was definitely fighting defensively - ie, finding somewhere to skulk behind and shooting anyone trying to run between barricades. But then everyone else was comparing the number of times they'd been shot and buying more paintballs, and I started to feel like I was missing out, so the third game, I ran out on 'crazy Space Marine suicide runs' with them.
It went about as well as you could expect. Along with Pinky and Rachel, I ran to a barricade - and got shot in the leg just as I was throwing myself behind it. Damn. Also, OW. I knew paintballs hurt, but it still kinda took me by surprise. So I ran back to the base (for the first five minutes, we got to respawn) and was closely followed by Pinky and Rachel, also shot, and then headed out again - this time with Alex, seasoned paintball pro. I lived quite a bit longer this time, and together we took out two of the opposing team, though I got shot in the mask, which wasn't fun. And then, while standing around talking about where to head next, I got shot in the hand. Dang.
Then it was time for Pinky's birthday run - she had to walk from one of the field to the other, and back again, with everyone firing at her. And damn, she was HARDCORE. The other guy ran for it, arms over his face, but she just walked along, not breaking her stride, not making any noise as she was shot over and over. After a while all of us stopped shooting her out of respect - partially because we wanted to save our ammo for the next bit, though...
... which was the free-for-all, where we basically got to use up whatever ammo we had left. Turned out, I had LOTS left. So I got to shoot a lot of people. Though I also got shot a lot myself. I am going to be SORE tomorrow.
And finally I ran out of pellets, and retreated back to the safe area, where we watched Rachel and Barnas run around shooting each other and shouted memes of encouragement at them.
When it was all over we got down to the important bit - comparing bruises. Pinky, of course, was covered in them - and also had cut her face quite a lot, from shrapnel getting through gaps. She wore all these as badges of honour, of course.
I had a fair few myself, and one huge painful raised welt on an arm, where it got hit square on at close range. Effin' OW. It's just this raised welt about the size of a 10p piece, with an aura of bruising, and a circle of red inside. That's growing, I've just noticed. Though Pinky has about twenty of these all over her, so I can hardly complain.
It was awesome.
PS: Arm bruise actually looks like someone has pasted a target to my arm now. It's a raised circle, which has an outer ring of blue bruising, and then a red ring of almost breakage, and then the middle is yellow bruising. The sheer awesome of this counterpoints the fact that even putting on a jacket causes great pain.
random happenings