Poundy drums make everything better

Sep 07, 2007 12:26

At last, my plot bunnies have got going again and writing is easy! Yay!

Basically, last night when I was half asleep I started thinking out the ending. I started thinking if I had to write the ending, right now, what would I have to go back and add in later to make it make sense?

I then basically deleted everything I'd written lately that was so rubbish - well, cut and paste it onto another document in case I needed it again - then started writing Section 3 all over again. Only this time, I started writing it with my traditional slightly odd and surreal opening sentences - 'Dave was paddling when the end of the world came' - and was also listening to the Battlestar Galactica track 'Prelude to War' while I did it to a) make me feel important and b) instil me with some sense of the drama of what was happening. Because deep down, I know the attempted-epicness and blasphemy-ness of my writing, but when I write it it ends up just like a couple of guys having a chat. Music helps.

So now I'm up to 59000 words and all goes well. I've written nearly 10000 words in a week! Woooo!

And the end is in sight, and I know exactly how it's going to happen, and it's going to give out a good message! Double woooo!

And last night I dreamed that I was Harry Potter having to hide around Hogwarts from Voldemort. I'd keep hiding in cupboards, then he'd open the door and go "HAHAAA, I HAVE YOU NOW!", then I'd yell 'Expelliarmus!' and run away again. Because, even in dreams, that's the only spell Harry Potter knows.

battlestar galactica, harry potter, don't they know, weird dreams

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