Battlestar Galactica 4x12

Jan 24, 2009 15:10

... OK, was it just me, or was that episode MADE OF AWESOME?!?!!?

It was just... not only was it as amazingly directed, acted and plotted as most of Battlestar Galactica ('The Woman King', I just can't look at you right now) but the script was ON FIRE. Stuff like all of Roslin's manic running around, and Gaeta and Starbuck's EPIC bitch fight (hence icon), and Tyrol finding out that Hotdog had been frakking Cally (when I was watching the Baltar church scene, I was like "HEY, THERE'S HOTDOG! HI, HOTDOG! Hey, why are they going to chat? Are they going to make out now? 'I didn't know' - hang on, what.... OHHHHHH, SHIT") And did they manage to fit in, like, every cast member they have? EXCEPT ANDERS. AND LEOBEN. And, er, Racetrack. But practically everyone else!

Naked Roslin and Adama in bed was something I didn't really need to see. Ever. Adorable, but... just, not needed to see.

I've got to admit, when Athena in the raptor was going to try to stop the tylium ship and Zarek told them to do what they had to to fight oppression or whatever, I got really scared something was going to happen to her. I LOVE ATHENA. AND HELO AND HERA AND THEIR LITTLE FAMILY. THEY *MUST* SURVIVE THE SERIES. So when the ship suddenly disappeared, I may have jumped and squeaked in alarm. I was terrified they were going to blow her up or something.

This episode did belong to Gaeta, though. I really enjoyed the webisodes and it's awesome to see just what he was planning after all that. Aforementioned bitch fight, just sitting out of sight in all the main discussions being all, "Wait, wut?", and then that final meeting with Zarek... shit is going to go DOWN, and it is going to be AWESOME, but I don't want ANYONE to DIE. I'm starting to get the sneaking suspicion I'm watching the wrong show for that, though.

And Adama - "Some days I really hate this job." HEEEEE. As I said, SCRIPT = ON FIRE.

I still miss Dee though :(

battlestar galactica

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