THERE'S TWO NOW! THEY'RE SO CUTE. And so convenient, since I was just wondering what other 'B' word I could use to finish off the title.
I went to London today, to the Tutankhamun exhibit at the Millennium Dome and the new Hadrian exhibit at the British Museum. Both were amazing, and I now feel very educated and suchlike.
On the way home, I got a message from
marcus_felix asking, among other things, "On a scale of 1 to Awesome, how good was the Dark Knight?"
After a moment's thought, I replied "It kicked the awesome scale in the face and strung it between two buildings with the bat symbol painted on it."
Certain things are a given - it was amazingly well-written, acted and directed, incredibly enjoyable and incredibly awesome, both character scenes and action boom-bits. The actors all knocked it out of the park - I really don't need to go on about the awesome of Heath Ledger, so I won't - much - and it was the kind of the film that all the audience were experiencing at once, yelping and gasping all at once at certain points. The 'magic trick' drew massive indrawn "OOOOH!"s from the entire theatre.
Oh man. The 'magic trick'. ALL the scenes with the Joker. They were AMAZING. What I loved most about him was how his origin was never explained, and now we'll probably never find out what happens to him - he just emerged from the darkness, because he had to, because Batman needed his counterbalance, and now he'll probably fade right back into it. And gave him multiple backstories!! STRAIGHT out of 'The Killing Joke'! "If I'm going to have a past, I prefer it to be multiple choice!" Aaand the writers owned my soul. Someone else did this awesome post about how him being upside down at the end denotes him being the Hanging Man and a Trickster God, bringing chaos and inverting things - the clowns being the hostages, Harvey Dent killing people and suchlike. I can't remember who it was, but it was awesome.
And Harvey Dent! I was enough of a nerd and watched the trailers close enough to know what was coming, but the transformation into Two-Face was amazingly handled. You were made to care about him deeply in the first act - he wasn't just The Rival, he was a great person (punching out the guy trying to shoot him in the court scene was awesome enough, BUT HIS FACE just before he did so! Like "Whut? OH" *BAM*) and maybe more morally agreeable than Batman himself (kidnapping someone from foreign territories? Oh, BATMAN) and probably a far better match for Rachel.
BUT THEN. Oh, Rachel. I'd already thought you were going to die from the clip in the trailers of being dropped out the window, and some very unsubtle hints from people who thought they were being vague but not, so I was prepared for your death. I was a little surprised when Batman caught you (uh, physics?), but THEN BATMAN ENDED UP AT HARVEY DENT'S OIL BOMB PARTY INSTEAD (nice MOVE, Joker) and I was like OHHHH SHIT. I am sad you are gone, especially now you were being played by Maggie Gyllenhall, but I won't miss you much AND YOU CREATED TWO-FACE.
EEEEEE TWO-FACE. I thought he was just going to be a quick thing at the end to set up a third film, but he actually owned the second act! That face... ugh, that was so creepy and so well-done. The reveal was masterful, with only brief flashes before the final full-on reveal which led everyone on my row to recoil slightly. He was so freaking creepy as the villain. I think I was actually more scared of him than the Joker - the Joker was maniacally insane, which somehow makes him easier to understand, but Two-Face was still very aware of his actions and just coldly deciding your fate by flipping a coin. I find cold calculating villains scarier than maniacal crazy ones every time.
Christian Bale was great as Batman, of course, and Michael Caine and Morgan Freeman continue to kick cinema in the ass so much it kinda likes it. I was very very happy to see the Scarecrow at the beginning - it's never any harm to the day to see Cillian Murphy looking crazy and dishevelled - and is it just me, or did the writer have a serious thing against dogs in this film?
And I'm looking for a screencap of Gordon shot on the ground to make a 'Y SO SIRIUS???' macro, and when comes back with 'GORDON'S ALIVE!' becaaause I'm a dork. That was all awesome. And that chase! With Dent in the SWAT van and the Joker in a lorry with a freakin' BAZOOKA and Batman in the car and then on the bike and lassoing the lorry so IT FLIPPED and the Joker GIGGLING and then GORDON SHOWING UP aaaand I'm onto raving incoherently in capitals so it's time to bring this to a close.
I'm just going to draw a biiiiig ol' heart around this film and go see it again.
In other news, reports of the Twilight fans at Comic Con terrify me. Apparently they kept yelling out to Robert Pattinson (the guy playing Edward) that he was hot and they loved him (to which he replied "Good") and asking him what it was like to play a 'super sexy vampire', and screaming so much he said it sounded like 'the noise at the gates of Hell'. They also jumped Hugh Jackman, apparently. I'm the girl who squeakily asked Sendhil Ramamurthy for a hug and even I think that's going a bit too far.
The number of people obsessed with this book about what is actually a very unhealthy relationship between a girl and a vampire worries me. I mean, if it entertains them and they enjoy it, then I'm not going to object - I still enjoy indulging in writing the occasional ridonkulous Mary-Sue just for the chance to throw all reservations out the window. But the number of young girls who believe that Edward is 'perfect' and Bella is the most amazing role model? STEPHANIE MEYER, YOU'RE UNDOING ALL JOSS WHEDON'S GOOD WORK. STOP IT.
Oh for the love of oreo cheesecake. YET MORE ETA: Ahhhh.
Internet makes it better. OK, I feel kinda bad hating this book so much when I haven't actually read it, just gathered a lot of plot synopses, retarded quotes and little bits of information like fans regarding Bella jumping off a cliff as 'empowering'. So I feel I should read them before ranting about them any further.
But I refuse to pay for them. TO THE LIBRARY.
LATER: Oh fantastic. Fear of my vampires becoming sparkly woobie princesses has suddenly made me very reluctant to keep writing my MyNoWriMo. It was already becoming darker and more dramatic than I liked, with a hint of EEEEMOOOO, and I just don't want it to continue down this road, for this may be the road of Sparkles and Fringes. I thought the characters swearing like sailors would help, but it hasn't. Gah.
So my word count is just over 38,000 words, I'm already 2,000 words behind, and I've hit a block for the night. Dammit dammit dammit.
LATER AGAIN: 40,284 words! I've finally hit the end of Part 2 and so can start Part 3 afresh with no eeeemoooo. All may be well. *happy sigh*