The Leoben & Kara dynamic is one of my absolute favouritest things about this show. I don't know why - I think I just love it when the Good Guys and the Bad Guys get to have a long time to sit down and chat and start having this twisted relationship, romantic or not. This may be why I'm such a huge fan of FoeYay. I adored Flesh and Bone in series 1, it's one of my favourite episodes to rewatch, and when at the end of series 2 Leoben turned up in Anders's tent asking where Kara was, I FLIPPED OUT. I don't ship them, as a fair number of people do - that's just a little too weird for me - but I love when they have scenes together.
ANDERS! ANDERS ANDERS MY TV BOYFRIEND. Punching Leoben in the FAAACE. HEE. And clearly getting very freaked out by practically everyone around him. He seems paranoid that he's got a flashing sign on his head saying 'CYLON'. I was half expecting Leoben to look him up and down and go, "Huh. One down."
And Helo! Awesome Magical Tall Helo, being just the right amount of loyal, defending Kara to the point of, yeah, that girl crazy. For a horrible second I thought Kara was going to go Admiral Cain on his ass and shoot him in the head, which would have been HORRIFYING because Helo is MAGICAL AND TALL and must never ever die. EVER.
One thing I must say is the show is being filmed really well right now. They really evoke the atmosphere of wherever a scene is. Watching the scenes on the Demetrius is almost uncomfortable, it looks so tiny and hot and dark and cramped. Baltar's LOLCult temple is really warm and colourful, contrasting with Tyrol's tiny grey cell (btw, Tyrol, is the shaved head supposed to make you look more human?)
Baltar is still Jesus. I did like that scene with Tyrol, and him in a hoodie. Hee, I bet Roslin would love to give him an ASBO. I loved the mirroring of his scene with Boomer in series 1, where he goes and subtly persuades her to kill herself, while this time he goes and talks him down from it. Does Chief even know how close Baltar came to killing him back in series 2?
No Adama, Roslin or Lee! Or Six! And I didn't actually really miss them. I'm too caught up in Kara's storyline, especially when LALALALALA it includes Leoben.
It's a shame they didn't get Athena more involved though. The writers seem to be forgetting she's a Cylon. She could have gone to chat to Leoben - I bet that would have been good - or shown some sort of reaction over the news of a Cylon civil war.
DUDE, I can't believe I forgot how Baltar, Tyrol and Cally spent all that time together on Kobol. When Baltar shot Crashdown to save Cally, when Cally threatened Baltar to save Tyrol... they actually DO have a totally fucked up history. And Tyrol capturing Baltar in the Temple of Five! Man. I need to rewatch.
Oh man, this show rocks.