Attack Attack/William Control/Black Tide/Escape The Fate

Mar 12, 2009 14:03

For being internetless for a few days I would have suspected I's have to check more then 3 pages of backdated entries. Unlike my 12 I had to do for Twitter!!

Anyway omfg. Two concerts back to back. Attack Attack, William Control, Black Tide, Escape the Fate. Holy. Hell.

Got to Seattle with Megan at 10am. ETF and BT were already there. We set up our chairs, she went off to find a soda and like. Three minutes later Craig and Max walk by. OF COURSE! Later we're sitting and a few girls come and they're all circled around each other and I hear this guy all "Do you have change for a dollar?" No one says anything and Megan is all "I MIGHT!" and he walks over to her, they exchange money and he's all "Sweet thx! Imma go play video games!" And goes into the venue. Megan turns to me and says "I don't even know who that was. lol." I stare at her and go "...THAT WAS CRAIG!! The band who you're here to see!" It was hilarious. He sucks at video games

Later we're still sitting and another guy comes up and he's all "Okay, this is crazy. How long have you two been here?" "Since about 10am." "*shakes head and walks inside*" I didn't realize it, but he was the drummer for ETF and after they did some sound checking he came back out with plastic drum heads he had played on, scribbled out a self portrait on them and gave them to me and Megan :O So cool, I've never gotten something like that before! It's like one of the rarest concert memorabilia things to get because they're never handed out.

Show was amazing. Attack Attack were awesome, William Control amazing as always, Black Tide I forgot a lot of their lyrics oops. But I got Zak's bass pic!! I love that man! And always wanted something! So say for that!!

I left before ETF as I had no real interest in seeing them (I've never really gotten into their music) and lurked around outside to cool off and try to see Wil or Attack Attack. Saw Zak though, hugged him, thanked him for the pic, and asked about Wil to other people that were with him. They said he was prob back stage so I waited and found him randomly further down the street. No idea how he got there. Went and hung out and talked for a bit. He was saying a few things against AFI and how Davey and Jade are total pricks and he's never buying another CD of theirs again. Lol. Mimicked Davey too a little. So funny.

We all went back in to watch him sing (or spaz out, rather) to ETF's last song then I found Megan and we waited outside for ETF and get the drum heads signed. Only my Craig and the guitarist. The other two were MIA and there were so many people we just wandered away to talk to Wil more before leaving and drove to Portland.

Slept at a rest station outside Portland and got there the next morning at 9am. Midget's friends were already there in line and we hung out with a few other people coming until 1 when she finally did and went to the car to give her bday gifts.

Before we even went I was staring at my reflection in the windows by the main door and saw a person on the inside walk by, disappear behind the door and suddenly lean back to look out and wave at me. I waved back and he disappeared again and realized at that moment it was Craig. Lol so random.

Went to the car, had birthday fun, saw Craig again. (all the time and before, Megan was asleep in my car. Missed it all) The 4 of us went to him, he said hi to one to approached him first and I was kind of in the back of our group. Once he saw me though he was all "Heey! What's up? *Holds out high five*" I wasn't sure if it was to me or Midget, but when he reached over her to me I was all "LOL oh ok hi! *high fives*" They all did there thing while I watched and gave all of us hugs and we went back to our things.

I was back in line in a circle of people who all had been there and we were just chit chatting. I see ETF's bus leave a street and turn away from the venue. Craig had said he was going to find his brother and get food so that's what I figured what was going on. Except that a few minutes later he comes walking around the corner, sees me, and b-lines straight for me. He walks around the group and leans in, back facing all them and is all "...Do you know where the bus is?" I say it went in the opposite direction and that's all I know. He was saying that people were mentioning it going in circles and he just hadn't been able to catch it, but thanks, and he left. Only then did the group see who it was lmaoao. Some people were all "You're amazing! I love you!" But he didn't acknowledge them at all xD Then they were all focused on me all !!! and one said "I didn't even know that was him, I couldn't see him. I thought it was some guy asking where the bus was to hang out by it or something." And another was all "O_O DO YOU KNOW HIM!?!" I was laughing and trying to explain that I only 'met' him for the first time last night! lmaofao

Fast forward to the show. Everything was pretty the same as Seattle, but imo William Control was better. During both shows, the last song, Razor's Edge, he calls for people to come up on stage and dance, which people did and there was this one girl who was all sexy dancing by herself. During part of the song she and Wil made eye contact and got close and first I was grossed by her grinding all up against him, until he started playing along and grabbing her hair, pushing her away, pulling her.. it's difficult to explain, but if you know the essence of who William Control is, and who he personifies, it was absolutely perfect. It made me so happy.

Black Tide was better as I knew more lyrics from listening to them almost all day, but the crowd got tight and intense with the shoving to get up front that I didn't enjoy it as much as Seattle. Got out after them and hung out in the back of the room during ETF. Watched a little, talked with the singer of Attack Attack a little, Megan found me again, we left near the end of the show to get my drum head and try to get it signed by Max. Failed with that. It was cold and staff was saying they wouldn't be out for 30 min (i call bs) and we were all "baaah let's go get food and warm."

Started saying bye to Midget and friends when I saw Wil and said "have to say bye to him, of course, so we did and hung out a little. Then the best thing ever. Ever ever. Megan and I couldn't hear everything he said, but we heard "hold on" and he went to the van and pulled out some earbuds, coming back to us with them plugged into his iPhone and held them to us.

And we got to hear the full x minutes of a brand new Aiden song from their new CD that's to be released in two months from now. Ho. Ly. Shit. It sounded amazing. I got so excited because it's going to be so sick to listen to live! I felt so privileged and lucky to be able to hear the song too. And from Will himself. Just.. ah! Amazing. Absolutely amazing! We thanked him for letting us listen cause omg and he said "Well no problem. I've been seeing you guy at every show for.. years! So.." Then we gave him hugs because we were both leaving then left. :3

Probably be the best William Control show of the 3 I've seen. So much Will contact, talking to him before and after the show, the song preview, the performance itself... Gah. If he was on a tour with him playing very first, I would go to every single fucking show and NEVER get tired of William Control.

Next show: Aiden release, May 23rd


black tide, william control, concert, attack attack, aiden

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