Been a long time since I rock n' rolled

Mar 03, 2006 18:34

So, schram weekend might not happen. It's possible tomarow, but proly not. Two months and no Schram. *SIGH* Lol. Gonna start my photography courses soon, so yay to that. alot of silly stupid crap been rolling around, but hey thats the way it rolls. I need something right now.. perhaps a drink?? nah.. just my boys. Well I'll travel further and update you..

Hmm.. No job yet.. Pisscakes..

Getting my cash from wolf today, 65$ cool beans! So if schram saturday is in fact a no-go then I'm getting a cell phone. Speeking of that:

Oh If I lived in the hallway of the Wolfman,
I'd have a room of my own
set up in a lilac laundry basket
at night I'd curl up
in the solitary sock and fall fast asleap
in a world of no dreams

But dreams come fast when youre
sleepin at the bottom of the world..
Cause socks still go missing when you are
in the hallway of the wolfman.

Oh If I lived in the hallway of the Wolfman,
I'd never go thirsty,
cause the walls there are stained with Jack Daniels
to honour the dead rock heros
and in the corner there lingers a bottle of Lysol with Lemon
although I can't remember why
and it remains long forgotten
and it remains..

But dreams come fast when youre
sleepin at the bottom of the world..
Cause smells lack citrus when you are
in the hallway of the wolfman.

Oh If I lived in the hallway of the Wolfman,
I'd have parties galore,
but I could only invite one person per night
cause lilac laundry baskets
are quite small

But dreams come fast when youre
sleepin at the bottom of the world..
Cause you got invited yesterday
to the hallway of the wolfman

Oh If I lived in the hallway of the Wolfman,
I'd have a room of my own
set up in a lilac laundry basket
at night I'd curl up
in the solitary sock and fall fast asleap...

I like it, i got bored and wolf and I joked about me living in his hallway. Jeez. I swear to christ I need to get outta this town. Perhaps I'll win the lottery and get my outta WB to D-town. And out of kindness I'll get Krys outta Grayling. Two shitty towns in my book. Eh, oh well. At least I'll be getting a new camera "hopefully" A Nikon D50 Ooohhhhh, Ahhhhhh..

I bought lacy panties, they are nice on my smooth ass, yes ash you heard me SMOOTH! K, everyone else can ignore that lol. Well I better get off this before I reaveal more about my body..

Yay American Idol, go Grey Hair, Rocker baldie, Constantine lookalike, and Donnie Boy. For the Girls, Go Pickles, Big Lady, and cute lil black gril!!!

Peace out, and Shagri-la awaits us all, sorry I've got zug on the brain
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