Prompt Post 1 (closed to new prompts)

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Fill: Only Kin Could Slice So Deep, 1a/? rata_toskr March 29 2013, 01:34:28 UTC
Sorry, too many typos and I couldn't deal. Here's take two of the backstory. I swear I'll get into the actual prompt in the next section.


Part I: Paranoia

When the Goblin King stares down at him and calls him by his name, Thorin Oakenshield knows that he has been betrayed.

He has known that someone is working against him ever since the beginning of his quest, suspicion sparked by the ill-luck that has plagued him from the start. Why else but sabotage would so many dwarves who were pledged to aid him suddenly change their minds? Why else would so many of his brave warriors turn coward and refuse to heed his call?

Someone had raised doubts among his people where there had never been before, doubts about his fitness as their lord and king. Someone made his clan, the Sigin-tarâg beg Thorin to stay in Ered Luin when they should have been fighting for the chance to journey at his side and reclaim Erebor. So with every shamefaced denial of aid and provisions, the dwarf lord became more certain that someone was working in the shadows to seed fear and doubt into the hearts of those he ruled.

Yet Thorin had no idea whom this enemy could be for all his usual opponents were silent and his council had supported the idea of his quest. None of the twelve who answered his summons had been warned off directly and as far as the dwarf could tell his people were happy with how he chose to rule. Or at least they had been, before this.

Even Balin, who kept his finger on the pulse of Thorin's kingdom and was usually well-informed about political intrigue had neither name nor face to give him. All the old dwarf could say was that there were rumors circling among his people. Rumors saying that Thorin's mind had been addled by the wizard, that his journey to reclaim Erebor was a suicide mission from which none could return and that the dragon Smaug would rain a fiery death upon any who dared face him.

No one knew from whence these whispers came, only that they must have been started by someone with influence and respect. A dwarf close enough to the royal family to know that Thorin worked with Gandalf and to have heard the details of his plan.

It was ill news indeed to know that there was a two-faced snake among his kin and the dwarf king hated to leave this enemy free to strike his back. However, Thorin could not afford to delay his quest any longer, not when all the omens said it must be now. So the dwarf gathered what supplies he had and sent his twelve companions to meet the wizard and their burglar in the far off land that Gandalf called the Shire. Then he left the Sigin-tarâg, in his sister's capable hands and warned her to watch her back as the dwarf rode to take council with his kin.

Thorin's fellow dwarf lords had agreed to meet him and he hoped that here at last he would receive assistance in his quest. However, he could feel the presence of his invisible enemy there as well in the way that the other dwarves would not meet his eyes, and in their staunch refusal to give him the aid that he was due. Even his cousin Dáin turned coward in the end and when pressed for explanation all the dwarf gave was those same rumors as excuse.

Perhaps Thorin should have taken it as a warning that his journey was not meant to be and he should secure his own lands before seeking Erebor. Yet he could not do this, not with the call of the Lonely Mountain singing in his veins and even if that had been what his enemy desired, the dwarf would undertake his quest with the companions that he had.

There would be time enough to deal with the traitor after he took back his home, and if this treachery claimed his life along the way, Thorin was certain that Dís would avenge him.

Such dark thoughts turned the dwarf's mood foul and by the time he arrived at the Green Dragon Inn he just wanted the day to be over. Thus when he received Gandalf's message to meet the others for dinner at one Bilbo Baggins' house all he could do was grind his teeth and sigh. The wizard's faulty directions did not improve his disposition, for that patch of flowers was really more blue than turquoise and no real dwarf would call that hill a mountain, and thus Thorin was frustrated indeed by the time he pounded on the hobbit's door.


Only Kin Could Slice So Deep, 1b/? rata_toskr March 29 2013, 01:50:06 UTC
While his anger made him somewhat harsh with Mr. Baggins, the halfling was clearly unsuitable for facing down a dragon and Thorin had enough things working against him without adding a millstone around his neck. The wizard's insistence that this must be his burglar actually made the dwarf wonder briefly if Gandalf could be the foe lurking in the shadows, but he shook that suspicion firmly from his mind.

If the wizard had wanted Thorin's quest to fail, he need only have kept his father's key and those rumors could not have been started by a stranger to his clan. Indeed Gandalf had come up with their plan, so the dwarf had to trust in the wizard's motives and his judgment if he was to have any hope at all. However, he could not deny being relieved when Mr. Baggins chose to stay behind.

Although that relief had been short-lived, Thorin thought that with the start of his quest he could at least put his enemy behind him and focus on this chance to make his people's future bright.

Yet this was not to be and on the company's last night in the Shire, Thorin received word from Dís that would haunt his mind throughout the days to come. His sister's letter warned him that the rumors had spread despite her efforts and the dwarf would need a triumphant return to keep his people's faith and keep his crown. Ill news indeed for a fool's journey such as his own.

Dís had also received a reply from Rivendell to Thorin's request for information and while the dwarf knew that he needed Lord Elrond's expertise, it had been difficult for him to overcome his mistrust long enough to ask. Yet his effort had been wasted because all the elf wrote in his message was that Thorin's quest was ill-advised. Such obvious condescension was like salt poured in a wound and it only made the dwarf more determined to succeed without any help at all.

So he sent a letter to his sister informing her of the route they planned to take and promised to keep Dís informed of any changes if he could. Then the company of Thorin Oakenshield set out upon the long and dangerous journey that he hoped would lead his people home.


Only Kin Could Slice So Deep, 2a/? rata_toskr March 29 2013, 16:44:58 UTC
However, while the rest of the company became caught up in the joys of traveling and the hopeful spirit of their quest, Thorin's worries would not leave his mind. He brooded on them as they rode and his dreams were filled with dragon fire and a malevolent shadow laughing from the dark. The thought that his quest might fail only due to some traitor's machinations was unthinkable and the idea that he might succeed only to lose his people to another ate at his tattered pride.

Thus Thorin was determined that everything must go right so that he could reclaim his homeland gloriously and prove all the rumors false. He triumph must be so overwhelming that his Sigin-tarâg would follow him beyond any shred of doubt and all his enemies rue the day they chose the other side.

This pressure made him hard and snappish where he might have been encouraging and even the dwarf's nephews felt the sharp side of his tongue. However, despite his impatience with each of their mistakes, it did not occur to Thorin that his companions might be disloyal, not until after the fiasco with the trolls.

Once Gandalf finally saved them and the immediate threat was over, Thorin looked back on the night and thought bitterly, What in Mahal's name was everyone thinking? This could hardly have gone worse if I had planned it myself.

Even as he thought these words, the dwarf realized the truth they held and the seed of doubt was planted in fertile ground. As long as one didn't mind the danger, the easiest way to undermine a quest like this would be from within, and no one would ever think that the sabotage was more than awful luck.

Yet Thorin had known all of his companions for years, most of them were some manner of kin, and they had been the only ones willing to answer when he called. But while the dwarf tried to put the idea from his mind, it would not die completely and his thoughts were torn in two. How could he repay such brave loyalty with his suspicion? On the other hand, how could Thorin ignore the signs of treachery?

His doubts grew when his company suddenly found themselves hunted by an orc pack, a pack that should not have known that they were there.

“Who did you tell about your quest, beyond your kin?” Gandalf had asked furiously and Thorin did not lie when he swore there had been no one. This was the problem since no one else should have known the route that they would take and only one close to the dwarf could have betrayed his plans so well. So suddenly the fact that his company was made of friends and relatives was no longer reassuring because the traitor must be someone Thorin trusted and only kin could slice so deep.

When Gandalf went against his wishes and led the company to Rivendell, the dwarf's doubts were temporarily pushed aside by anger at the wizard and his annoyance with the elves. While Thorin could not fault Elrond's hospitality and appreciated the chance to send another messenger bird to his sister, he was certain that the elves would try to stop him here and the dwarf resented the attempt.

What right did they have to treat him as a child to be coddled and removed from dangerous things? He had known the risks when he chose to take them, and no meddling elf was going to keep him from his homeland. Especially not when the doubts he saw in the elf lord's eyes reminded Thorin of his own.

It was easier to take refuge in anger at the elves and at his enemy than to face that kernel of despair. It was easier to assume that his quest was being sabotaged by one within his company than to acknowledge that his luck had turned so ill.


Only Kin Could Slice So Deep, 2b/? rata_toskr March 29 2013, 16:45:47 UTC
Thus as the dwarves and hobbit climbed high into the Misty Mountains, Thorin found himself searching his companions' faces for any hint that they were not what they seemed. He found himself second-guessing every action and looking for falsehood in even Balin's eyes, while his uncertainty fed on nightmares in the dark.

However, the only sabotage that the dwarf could find was the hobbit's complete incompetence and even he was not so suspicious as to think that Bilbo was some kind of evil mastermind. Useless, yes, but to doubt their burglar was to doubt the wizard and Thorin could not do that without despair.

This lack of evidence made him shove the paranoia from his mind and remind himself fiercely that the traitor was probably back in Ered Luin, hiding in the shadows for fear of his sister's wrath. After several days of mostly normal behavior, Balin stopped sending Thorin worried sidelong glances and his nephews sat beside him again without fearing his sudden rage.

While Kíli still frowned at his uncle in disapproval when he used Bilbo as a convenient target for his frustrations, the dwarf started to think that maybe he could put his doubts behind him and trust in the loyalty of his friends once again. Yet even as he thought this, Thorin felt the stone disappear beneath his feet and the fourteen companions tumbled into the clutches of a goblin horde.

Beaten, disarmed and dragged in front of the goblin's leader, the dwarf does not look like any king and so when the Great Goblin says that he has been expecting him, Thorin knows that his fears were right.

There is no way that this Goblin King could have known that they would be traveling this way, not unless one of his companions has betrayed him. No one but the fifteen of them knew which route the company was taking and Thorin had chosen the less common paths to throw off their pursuit. No one else but Dís and the dwarf trusts his sister more than anyone, including even himself. He tries desperately to think of an explanation other than treachery, but there is none and as his anger gradually overrides the betrayal, Thorin burns with the need to take his vengeance.

The traitor must be one of the twelve dwarves that he brought with him, one with something to gain from the failure of his quest or from his death. Someone trusted by everyone and evil or foolish enough to side with goblins and orcs to see his purpose done.

As he and his companions are stripped of their weapons, the dwarf's mind races, trying to figure out who has double-crossed him. There are only five dwarves who have the power and the real motive to be the one whom Thorin seeks and the thought that any of them could have done such a thing threatens the foundations of his world. Yet the dwarf knows that they have and so he hardens his heart against this weakness for his only goal now is to make them pay for what they've done.

However, he is not sure how he can determine which of them is the traitor while stuck in this captivity, and Thorin tunes out the Goblin King's rambling speech as he tries to come up with a plan. If he is smart, my betrayer will not draw attention to himself and try to continue his sabotage if we escape but he also would not wish to risk his life. So how? How do I flush him out? And how do I get us free?

Thorin's attention is recaptured when the grotesque goblin reaches out and hits him across the cheek, obviously annoyed by his disregard.

“I see you do not take me seriously, little dwarf. Well if you will not talk, I'll make you squawk instead. I shall torture every member of your company one by one until you change your mind and tell me the answers that I seek.”

As if you do not already know. As if my betrayer has not already told you. Why would you bother with this charade except, but oh...of course.

Now that Thorin sees the answer it is obvious and he does not understand how he could have missed it before. What better way than this to separate the traitor from my company without suspicion? The Goblin King will try and use this false threat to break our spirits while my betrayer moves on with the next stage of his plan. I wonder if he truly means to kill me, to kill us all, or if there is some deeper scheme at work.


Only Kin Could Slice So Deep, 2c/? rata_toskr March 29 2013, 16:46:34 UTC
The Great Goblin snarls, “Start with the youngest,” and when the creatures grab Kíli instead of the younger looking Ori, Thorin does not fight them. He is frozen with horror at the knowledge that his nephew has betrayed him, for the dwarf did not believe that it could be either of his sister-sons. Yet all the evidence fits and his shock is consumed in an icy rage at the truth before his eyes.

So Thorin watches implacably as the goblins start to drag the dwarf away, ignoring the twinge within his heart at the terror on Kíli's face. The traitor is a talented actor to have hidden his malevolence for so long beneath a mask of eager foolishness and his skills don't fail him now as he fakes a desperate struggle against their captors.

Although it is a terrible thing, Thorin is actually pleased to see the fear and worry on Fíli's face as he fights to reach his brother, for it shows that he knew nothing of this treason and Erebor will still need its heir when the day is done.

After Kíli has disappeared into the tunnels, struggling all the while, the Goblin King sneers down at his prisoners once again. “I would love to let you watch his torment but I am afraid that I just can't risk you interfering with my work. So you will have to accept my hospitality instead and I am sure that the screams of your friend will be more than enough for you to see the folly of your silence.”

These words remove any last trace of doubt that lived on in Thorin's heart because surely the goblins would want the dwarves to watch if they were truly going to torture Kíli. So the dwarf disowns the traitor from his thoughts as their captors haul the rest of the company away and before long he finds himself in a small, dank cell carved into the rock. The goblins have separated Thorin from the others, the only connection between the prisoners a single flimsy bridge that is guarded fiercely and he does not know how they will manage to escape.

When the bars of their cells have been set firmly in place, the Great Goblin appears again to gloat over his victory.

“You are more ruthless than I thought, dwarf, to give one of your own into my hands without a fight, but I promise you that he will squeal before too long. However, if you tell me what I wish to know about your quest, I will grant him and you the mercy of a quick death before Azog comes to take you all. The Defiler will not be so kind, I promise you that.”

Though the thought of his old enemy gives him pause, Thorin looks up at the goblin with disdain and shakes his head.

“How stupid do you think I am? There is no need to continue this charade when you have already been told everything you might need to know. I will take my chances with the pale orc, should he actually still live, and we shall see who begs for mercy in the end. Torture my companion if you must, but I will not bend to your demands.”

“You are a strange one, Thorin Oakenshield, and I would question your sources since Azog is both very much alive and not one to share his information. However, if you wish to give me your companion then I accept with pleasure and perhaps the sound of his suffering will change your mind.”

With these words, the creature leaves the dwarf to his dark and brooding thoughts and the screams begin soon after.


Only Kin Could Slice So Deep, 3a/? rata_toskr April 1 2013, 15:20:30 UTC
(Thorin may be slightly darker than you originally wanted but I promise he'll get to the guilt/angst eventually. It's just going to take awhile.)


As the first shriek of agony echoes through the caverns, Thorin stiffens because something in him still wishes to rush to the traitor's aid. Though he tries to remember that Kíli has proved himself disloyal, the dwarf has been conditioned to relieve his nephew's pain and he has to clench his fists to keep from banging on the walls.

It is not an easy thing to listen to, even knowing that it is probably an act and if it is not, then the traitor deserves his fate for consorting with such evil. But the Goblin King is a master of his craft and he lets each scream linger and makes every silence a nerve-wracking anticipation of the next choked off cry.

Even Thorin's enemies deserve a quicker death than this and so the dwarf is relieved when the monster pauses in his work to come taunt his prisoners again. In the sudden quiet, he can hear the others yelling and the knowledge that they still live gives Thorin strength to resist the goblin's mocking even while he worries about Fíli's mental state.

When the Great Goblin still receives no answers to his questions he returns to the torture, and the dwarf loses track of how many hours have gone by as he listens to the traitor scream. The sound cannot be blocked out no matter how he tries and Thorin wonders idly if it will eventually drive him mad, though he refuses to beg for it to cease. However, the next time that their captor returns, the creature has realized that Thorin truly will not surrender to change his nephew's fate and so the goblin turns to other threats.

“I am afraid I just don't know how much longer this one will last me; he is really such a fragile thing compared to the other dwarves I've taken. So which of your company should I torture next to ease my disappointment? The blonde perhaps, he is your heir is he not, and I am sure he would scream beautifully beneath my blades.”

Thorin cannot keep from snarling at this threat, even as his thoughts are filled with revulsion. Your brother Kíli, how could you give him that? Unless that is the plan? Let this creature kill me and Fíli and then stage a daring rescue so that you can claim the throne for yourself. Claim Erebor in our memory and none would realize what you'd done.

The Goblin King laughs to have finally gotten under his captive's skin, but before he can make good on this promise there is a crack like thunder and a wave of force slams through the cavern. It blows the bars off of Thorin's cell and knocks the Great Goblin off his perch into the dark below.

When the dwarf regains his senses, Gandalf is standing over him with Orcrist in his hands and Thorin takes his blade from the wizard with a feral laugh. He races across the bridge to rejoin the rest of his company, cutting down those few goblins that dare to remain standing in his way. Gandalf helps the dwarf smash open the other cell and release his fellows and he is glad to see them all safe and sound.

Physically safe at least, for Fíli is not the only one who looks haunted by Kíli's anguished screams. The dwarf tries to catch his uncle's eye, but Thorin knows that he will ask about his brother so he just nods reassuringly and lets his nephew draw the wrong conclusions. After they are free of these fell mountains and out of Kíli's reach, then he will tell his heir the truth.


Only Kin Could Slice So Deep, 3b/? rata_toskr April 1 2013, 15:21:24 UTC
Once they have rearmed themselves, the dwarves begin their charge to freedom, Gandalf running in the lead through the maze of paths and platforms. Thorin loses himself in the crunch of bone and steel, his sword slicing down his enemies in a glorious dance of carnage. However, for all their skill, his company is sorely outnumbered and eventually they find themselves surrounded on all sides by enemies as the Goblin King rises up to block their way.

Yet before Thorin can charge forward to meet the creature, Gandalf strikes a killing blow and they are falling, sliding quickly into the abyss. No one has time to scream before they land heavily, battered and bruised but somehow still alive. Thorin drags himself upright and pales when he sees the swarm of goblins racing down the rocks toward where they stand.

“Run!” He yells, pulling Fíli from the wreckage and shoving him in the direction of the closest tunnel. They cannot hope to fight such numbers and so they flee, running for their lives and daylight, which is the only thing that can save them now. Thorin hates to turn tail even though he knows they must and in his heart his wishes that he could fight the monsters that slaver on their heels. If he must die then he wants to die with honor not cowardice.

Yet just as the dwarf is thinking that it may come to that, he spies light up ahead and the company spills out upon the mountainside. Only once they have put a safe distance between themselves and the mouth of the tunnel does Thorin stop, the others gathering around him as they catch their breaths.

However, the respite is short-lived for as soon as the wizard has a chance to look around and count, Gandalf cries out, “Where are Bilbo and Kíli? Where is our hobbit and our youngest?”

Thorin winces when everyone turns to him and he can see the trust within his nephew's eyes. He knows that Fíli expects Kíli to be waiting for them somewhere, perhaps injured but still part of their company and still one of their kin.

He knows what they all expect and although the dwarf will not shy from telling them the truth, Thorin almost wishes that he could delay the pain that his news will cause. His companions will not have seen the same signs that he has and so the dwarf doubts that they will understand. Nonetheless the others must be told and Fíli will learn to forget his brother in time for a traitor's name cannot be spoken in Khuzdul.

“I do not know what has become of the burglar,” Thorin says grimly though at the moment he also does not care. “He was not with us in our captivity and if he fell within the tunnels then we must assume that the hobbit is either dead or fled back to his home. For his sake I hope that it is the latter, that he saw his chance and he took it. Baggins has thought of nothing but his soft bed and his warm hearth since first he stepped out of his door and he will not be much of a loss. Either way his life is no longer our concern for we will not be seeing him again.”

At this the wizard glares in disapproval, but Thorin ignores it. The dwarf told Gandalf that he would not be responsible for the halfling's fate and he has much greater losses on his mind.

“However, I do know of Kíli's fate and he too is no longer our concern. Though it pains me to say it, I left him within the mountain and I must name him a traitor to my line.” These words are met with shocked gasps from the rest of the company while Thorin silences Fíli's cry of denial with a glare.

“I know that this is a harsh surprise, but I have seen the evidence with my own eyes and it is undeniable. Kíli has been sabotaging this quest under our very noses, and our capture by the goblins is only his most recent attempt to claim my place. I swear that I do not make this accusation lightly but the Great Goblin knew information that only Kíli could have told him whether through torture or other means and so I name him traitor. I name him traitor to his oaths, I name him traitor to our kin and should we meet again, he will face my wrath. However, Erebor takes precedence over even this betrayal so we will leave him to whatever fate Mahal proscribes.”


Only Kin Could Slice So Deep, 3c/? rata_toskr April 1 2013, 15:23:21 UTC
The dwarf can see that the others are not entirely convinced but they have no grounds on which to challenge him and so even Gandalf eventually bends his head and defers to Thorin's judgment. Only Fíli stands stubbornly in his brother's defense, but his heir has no evidence except his own belief and the dwarf cannot let such emotion change his course.

“Your loyalty does you credit, nephew, but you are my heir and you must learn to rule with your mind and not your heart. The evidence against your brother is overwhelming, and even if the greater charge of treason were somehow false, he still broke his oath of silence beneath the goblins' hands. He could never live with that dishonor and a rescue attempt would do nothing but cost us all our lives. You must accept that his fate is sealed and there is nothing to be done.”

“Even if I cannot save him, it is still my right to try. And my brother should be remembered for his sacrifice, not stricken from our history because of your suspicions. Kíli should be remembered,” Fíli says fiercely, glaring at his uncle.

Thorin's fist slams against his nephew's jaw, knocking him to the ground and the dwarf looms over his heir as he growls.

“You will not speak that traitor's name. I tried to go easy on you but the truth is that your brother wants you dead. He wants both of us dead and if not for Gandalf, then he would have succeeded in his plan. You will recognize this fact and submit to my judgment or you are not worthy to be my heir. I will kill you myself before I let you challenge me.”

Fíli can do nothing but submit to Thorin's wrath, though something seems to break within his eyes when he nods his acceptance. So the dwarf pulls his nephew upright and gets his company moving again because they still have far too much ground to cover before the day is done. He is pleased when Fíli does not look back at the mountain and assumes that his harsh words have shown his heir the folly of his ways. His nephew will forget this pain in time and the lesson that no one can be trusted will make him a better ruler in the end.

Whatever doubt that was left in Thorin's mind is gone now. It disappeared the moment he made his decision because the dwarf will not second-guess himself once the deed is done. So his voice is filled with certainty when he give his heir one last command. “Forget about your brother. He was a dagger at our backs and the worst is over now that he is gone.”


Re: Only Kin Could Slice So Deep, 3c/? rata_toskr April 2 2013, 01:28:39 UTC
Gah! Thorin, you stubborn, I-know-what-I'm-doing-charging-ahead-at-Azog-alone-and-majestically fool. Bilbo, please, use your tough hairy feet to give his highness's hinny a much needed kick!

More, I must have more!


Only Kin Could Slice So Deep, 4/? rata_toskr April 2 2013, 19:11:27 UTC
Part II: Courage and Despair

Bilbo cannot believe what he is hearing.

He had been so happy to see the dwarves again after his ordeal within the tunnels and had followed them out of the mountain as quickly as he could. However, before the hobbit could remove his stolen ring to reveal himself, Thorin began speaking and his words quickly turned Bilbo's joy to revulsion.

The hobbit does not mind his own dismissal for he knows well the low opinion that they have of him, but the dwarf's abandonment of Kíli shocks him to the core. What kind of person could leave anyone to suffer beneath the goblins' hands, let alone a relative, and the thought of that open laughing face twisted in agony makes Bilbo ill.

No matter what Thorin believes, the young dwarf has been the hobbit's best friend among the company and Bilbo is certain that he could not have done this thing. There is no deception in Kíli's soul and even if there were, the lad has wanted nothing more than his uncle's approval throughout their entire journey and probably his life.

How can Thorin not realize this? How can he abandon his own kin, his own nephew, so easily without any certain proof other than his own paranoia? Why isn't Gandalf stopping him?

So Bilbo watches in disgust as the dwarf cajoles and threatens Fíli into leaving his brother behind and herds the rest of the company into motion. There is doubt on some of their faces but no one speaks up and the thought of joining them makes the hobbit's stomach turn.

I don't care what suspicions Thorin has, this is wrong, and if no one else has the courage to stop it then I will.

The hobbit turns away from his former company and stands once more before the tunnel entrance, preparing himself for what he is about to do. Bilbo does not know how he will find Kíli within the goblin's warren, all he knows is that he has to try. He will rescue his find or die in the attempt because he would never be able to live with himself if he walked away.

So Bilbo squares his shoulders and reenters the mountain, not knowing if he will ever see the sun and sky again.


Re: Only Kin Could Slice So Deep, 4/? my_bridges April 3 2013, 06:57:43 UTC
Oh my, my, oh my. I love this!

Thorin's thoughts make sense (even if they are way too paranoid)!

Please contniue!!


Re: Only Kin Could Slice So Deep, 4/? rata_toskr April 3 2013, 14:14:16 UTC
Don't worry I will.

And I always try to make my more villainous characters make sense so I'm happy to hear that.


Only Kin Could Slice So Deep, 5a/?- TW for some torture, violence, etc rata_toskr April 3 2013, 23:40:03 UTC
Sorry for any typos and I'm kind of glad this is already AU because I just know that the next movie is going to screw up my carefully worked out timeline for this story. Oh well, enjoy.


Although the hobbit lacks a torch, the ring on his finger adds a strange glow to the world as he creeps farther into the mountain's depths. This sickly grey light is enough for him to see the dwarves' footprints in the dirt and Bilbo thanks the Valar for his luck because he knows that without its magic, his search would be doomed to failure before it even began.

He hopes that retracing the dwarves' path will lead him back to Kíli and the hobbit has followed it for a long while when he hears a noise coming from up ahead. There is just enough time for Bilbo to throw himself to the side of the tunnel before a horde of goblins rushes past him, and even with his ring the hobbit does not dare to breathe until the last one is long gone. Then he stands up, brushes himself off and continues deeper into the mountain, listening carefully for anymore footsteps in the dark.

However, while Bilbo encounters no more enemies, the hobbit faces another conundrum when the path forks up ahead. To his dismay, he discovers that the dwarves' footprints have been obliterated by the goblins that passed him by and the creatures came from both directions in nearly equal numbers.

There are no obvious defining features between the tunnels, so for lack of a better plan the hobbit eventually decides to take the route that angles upward, remembering the great height from which he fell. By this point, the lack of landmarks with which to orient himself has caused Bilbo to lose all sense of time and direction and he knows that he could be lost forever if he fails to retrace his path. Yet the hobbit can do nothing but press onward, ignoring the smaller side tunnels and using his grumbling stomach as a guide to the passage of time.

After what must be several more hours, Bilbo's tunnel finally opens up into the enormous cavern in which the goblins built the majority of their town. The place is strangely deserted now but the hobbit can see signs of the dwarves' presence in the corpses and wreckage strewn across the ground and he is relieved to see them even as he has to look away and gag.

The hobbit is picking his way carefully through the debris when a terrible scream rings out and his chest clenches painfully as he recognizes Kíli's tortured voice. This cry paralyzes Bilbo where he stands and seems to stretch on endlessly in a shriek of agony from which there is no escape.

Yet it is almost worse when the scream cuts off abruptly and throwing caution to the wind, the hobbit sprints forward. Kíli did not sound as though he had much strength remaining and Bilbo cannot bear the thought that he might arrive too late. He runs recklessly through the cavern, leaping gaps and obstacles without hesitation and correcting his course each time that the dwarf cries out again.

Finally Bilbo skids to a halt outside a smaller cave adjoining the main one, and his heart almost stops when he peers inside. Kíli is there, chained to a rack with his arms stretched far above his head and if he were not breathing, the hobbit would think him dead.


Only Kin Could Slice So Deep, 5b/?- TW for some torture, violence, etc rata_toskr April 3 2013, 23:40:49 UTC
The dwarf's weapons and gear are piled on one side of the chamber and he has been stripped almost bare, every inch of exposed skin covered in blood and bruises. Along with the smaller cuts that litter his body, there are deep gashes across his ribs, whip-marks crisscrossing his torso and a enormous, angry burn running down his side.

Bilbo is about to help his friend when there is a grunt from the dark and a large goblin limps into view, moving toward Kíli as he spins a wicked looking flaying knife in his hands.

“Stubborn dwarf, stupid stubborn creature. Your friends have left you and still you resist, but Zarg will break you soon enough.” The creature mutters through his misshapen mouth. “You'll scream and scream and then you'll finally squeal. Spill your secrets in my ears so that I'll let you die.”

I knew it! I knew Thorin had to be mistaken and Kíli is no betrayer. The hobbit is relieved to know that his friend is as blameless as he thought, but his first priority is still to set the dwarf free so Bilbo gathers his courage and creeps slowly into the room.

When Zarg raises his knife to carve another slice into Kíli's skin, the hobbit's vision flashes red and he charges forward to bring the goblin down. There is no remorse within him as he tackles the creature and slams his blade into the other's chest while they hit the floor. Zarg's knife goes flying and Bilbo stabs down again and again, blood splashing onto his hands and face. One last slice across the goblin's neck ends his miserable life for good, and the hobbit shakes the gore off his sword as he turns to help his dwarf.

This commotion has brought Kíli out of his stupor and the dwarf stirs weakly, eyes cracking open and widening at the bloodbath that meets his gaze.

“Is someone th-there?” The dwarf asks cautiously. His voice is dry and harsh from screaming and it breaks on the words, making him cough roughly. Each cough jerks his body against the chains that bind him and Kíli winces, teeth clenching against the pain.

Bilbo grabs the keys off Zarg's belt and rushes to his side but the dwarf pulls back sharply at the touch of his hands, face blanching again. Why...? Oh damn it all, the ring. The hobbit quickly pulls the band off to reassure the other and the world returns to its proper color and tone as its magic dissipates.

“It's all right, Kíli, everything's all right. It's Bilbo and I'm going to get you out of here.” He whispers soothingly as he tries to find the right key amidst the rest.


Only Kin Could Slice So Deep, 5c/?- TW for some torture, violence, etc rata_toskr April 3 2013, 23:41:35 UTC
At his words, the dwarf relaxes slightly, tilting his head down to look the hobbit in the eye. “Bi-Bilbo? How? Am I hallucinating again?”

“No. No, I promise I'm real and I'm here to rescue you. But I need to free you before anyone else comes back.” The hobbit replies, patting Kíli gently on his leg to prove the truth of his statement and then reaching up to unlock the dwarf's shackles. “Can you walk?”

Kíli nods shakily as he cautiously lowers his arms, face bleaching white when the blood rushes back beneath his skin. “I'll have to, won't I?” He says, voice strangled by the pain while Bilbo moves to gather up his gear. “They were interested in pain not damage so my legs are mostly all right. I'd move faster with a sling though.”

When the hobbit turns back, he sees what the dwarf is talking about, for Kíli's right arm is hanging limply by his side as he sways upon his feet. Following the other's directions, Bilbo fashions a rough sling from his shirt and binds the injured limb tightly against the dwarf's chest to stop it from jarring while they walk.

Then the hobbit helps Kíli into what little clothing he can manage before throwing the rest over his own shoulders in an awkward bundle. By the time they've finished, the dwarf is pale and trembling again but he nods in determination when Bilbo asks if he is ready to leave.

“I'll manage. Better some pain than dying here. But what about Fíli, Thorin and the rest? Are they all right?”

The honest worry in Kíli's eyes makes the hobbit's heart ache for his abandonment and so he offers the only truth that he can bear to speak. “They're fine. They're all fine and they've escaped already, while I came back for you.”

Thankfully the dwarf does not question Bilbo anymore and simply nods in relief as he shoots the hobbit a sweet smile. “I'm glad to hear that, and thank you for this if I don't get another chance. Now let's get out of here before we get caught and waste your efforts.”

Kíli is so injured that the hobbit is almost afraid to touch him but Bilbo eventually finds a position where he can support the dwarf without causing too much pain and the pair starts slowly on their way. When they reach the opening to the main cavern, Bilbo stops the other before ducking out to see if any goblins are around. Thankfully the area is still deserted and he turns back for Kíli but as they cross the threshold, the hobbit has a thought and pauses to pull his new ring out of his pocket.

“You should take this,” he says handing the small gold circle to the dwarf. Although something in him screams possessively to see it leave his hands, Bilbo ignores the voice because it's just a loan and really, Kíli's life should be far more important than some bit of jewelry. “If we run into any more goblins put this on and get out of the way. It will let you pass unseen before their eyes.”

“But what about you?” The dwarf protests, the gold of the ring glinting in his eyes. He shakes his head and tries to hand it back until Bilbo overrides him, folding his fingers across the band.

“I am much smaller than you and uninjured so I will be able to hide more easily, or fight if it comes to that. I promise I will hide if I can for I do not plan to throw my life away.”

When Kíli finally agrees, the hobbit ducks back under his good shoulder and they make their halting way across the wooden bridges and rocky paths. It is slow going for the creatures are not the sturdiest of builders and every time they have to jump a gap Bilbo is afraid that the dwarf will keel over from the pain. Yet somehow he perseveres and the pair continues on.

Despite the hobbit's worries, they do not see another soul on their trip across the cavern, although he can hear a great commotion and shouting in the distance and Bilbo is thankful that they need not go that way.


Only Kin Could Slice So Deep, 5d/?- TW for some torture, violence, etc rata_toskr April 3 2013, 23:43:26 UTC
Eventually they reach the tunnel through which he entered and the hobbit grabs a torch from the wall as they duck into the passage. Walking on stable ground is easier for Kíli and the pair starts to make better time but the dwarf's energy is fading fast beneath the strain of his injuries and his ordeal. So the hobbit is concentrating hard on supporting his friend and he does not hear the footsteps until the goblins are almost upon them. When he finally realizes they are coming, Bilbo shoves the torch against the wall and tosses Kíli's gear to the side, urgently ordering him to put on the ring. However, while he watches in relief as the dwarf disappears from view, there is no time for him to hide himself.

So without any hope of avoiding conflict the hobbit chooses to begin it and the first goblin to round the corner dies quickly on his blade, eyes wide with surprise. However, his dying scream alerts the others and Bilbo quickly finds himself struggling to stay alive.

He blocks and ducks frantically, relying more on instinct than any actual skill, and a lucky slash across the throat takes another enemy down. This minor victory gives the hobbit courage to be more aggressive in his strikes and his spirits lift further when Kíli starts to aid him, chucking rocks at the goblins from the dark.

While the stones do little damage, they distract the creatures enough for Bilbo to duck under one's attack and bury his own sword deep in the monster's gut. Yet as he turns to meet his last foe, he trips over the bundle of gear that he threw so hastily aside and tumbles to the ground.

As he falls, Bilbo loses his grip on his weapon and his hands scrabble uselessly in the dirt when he looks up and sees his death in the goblin's grinning face. The hobbit throws an arm up and braces for the killing blow but it is the creature that falters as something slams into the back of his head with a sickening crack.

When the goblin crumples, his arms flail out like sledgehammers and one of them must find Kíli for there is a choked cry and a thud from the air behind him. At the sound, Bilbo scrambles up and shoves the dying creature to the side, “Kíli, are you all right? Where are you damn it all?”

There is no answer so the hobbit searches blindly and finally his groping hands touch skin. He follows the line of the dwarf's arm down to his fist, which is clenched tight around the jagged rock that saved his life. As quickly as he can, Bilbo eases this hand open and works the ring off Kíli's finger, slipping it back into his pocket while the other reappears.

The dwarf looks terrible where he kneels upon the stone, his face twisted and teeth clenched and he does not respond when the hobbit calls his name. That is when Bilbo really starts to worry and he reaches out to grab the other's good shoulder in distress.

“Kíli, Kíli, Kíli. Come on I know it hurts but we have to go. Please, I can't help you here and I can't carry you myself. Kíli!”

Finally his eyes crack open but they are hazy with pain and the dwarf doesn't seem to recognize the other's worried face. Despite this, the hobbit manages to cajole his friend onto his feet but he cannot seem to focus and sways too much to walk even with aid.

Bilbo feels desperation well up within him at the sight and with no other hope resorts to begging. “Kíli please. You have to concentrate or we'll never get out of here before more goblins come back and then you'll never see your family again.”

“Fa- family? Fíli!” This seems to cut through the dwarf's muddled thoughts and though he hates to do it, the hobbit continues in this vein.

“That's right, Fíli. He's waiting for you but you have to walk there. Your family's waiting for you farther on and you don't want to disappoint them, do you? C'mon one foot in front of the other, just like that.”

Kíli nods shakily and starts moving, mumbling to himself as he stumbles along. “Going to see Fíli, but have to walk. Left foot, right foot, left foot, right foot. Don't want to disappoint uncle, do I?”


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