May 07, 2009 10:07
Too much ritilin. Too much coffee. Too many cigarettes. Way too much work. Ugh. Too little sleep and way too much conflict. Thus is the way of Chris.
I'm a wreck right now. I haven't posted in a really long time. However, I just thought I'd keep you guys slightly updated by letting you all know that i'm a complete disaster. HAH. However, I'm almost done with school. I'm doing a take-home "right now" due at four o'clock today. I am so ready to be home for a little bit.
For this summer I've gone through so many plans. Each one has been shut down thus far. Kayaking in Scandinavia. WWOOFing. Art classes. BAH. They've all failed thus far. However, right now it may be possible for me to take econ and photography at UNH.
I'm also going to try and drive around with Phil. First to DC to visit bow kids down there and a friend from Wheaton. Then to Chicago and meet phil's friends and stay with my friend Xin Xin. Then to Lincoln, Nebraska... not staying there for too long... I'm going to be flying from there back to home, or to LA to visit Lucy's dads and my friend Ryan. I think I'm going to purchase a sketchbook and draw a picture for everyday I'm on the road with Phil. I think that'd be a good way to deter my attention away from the constant classic rock that I'm bound to get sick of.
In other news, I've been obsessed with the two music artists Santogold and Passion Pit (go to - listen to Sleepyhead-Bowflex remix). You should definitely check them out. Also listen to Chicago by Lucy Wainwright Roche.
PS: I got high yesterday and saw into the future.