(no subject)

Jan 15, 2007 22:57

I had a rather good weekend- I meant to spend Friday evening with Alexis, an ex-coworker from Ted's, but she was mysteriously unreachable by both phone and text message. Yes, I'm worried, but this isn't the first time she's vanished on me, so I will wait and see how things turn out.

Instead, I had a tasty burger of bison from Ted's, a few hours of reading books at the Border's across the way, and then spent the evening gallivanting across Columbus to hang out with Laura and Bren and the small army of creatures that reside in their apartment. Watching them devour steak at Longhorn made me a tad ill if for no other reason I had just spent time earlier in the evening chowing on a hefty burger.

The morning was an earlier one than I wanted, as I had promised to go hiking with Heather and company. Sharon Woods was the site of the first winter hike I ever went on with the gang, and revisiting it had the faint tang of coming home, of reconnecting. The rough patch between Heather and I seemed lessened by the hangouts as well; it was truly wonderful to share a rainy morning in the woods.

Mmm, distracted by the tubes. Ah, there was much game playing, too. Aaron defeated Heather, Tim, and I soundly in WordPlay (I think it was called such), though I was fast gaining on him when I left to have lunch with Laura. Lunch with Laura turned into just hanging out, as neither of us were truly desiring of food, and then I borrow her apartment key and napped with the various kittens. The soporific effects of kittens are not to be maligned, especially whilst being cuddled by them.

Bren closed up shop at the futon store circa 6pm, whence I collected him and made for Nazareth Deli to dine on Spicy Chicken With Rice (don't let the bland name fool you; twas tasty) and a vicious game of Carcassone (Carcossone?) afterwards. Again, Aaron showed his prowess at building cities and defeated Heather, in second place, by mere dozens of points.

Last stop before returning to Cleveland? Classics bar, near Tuttle Park. Deanna, Trey, Dennis, and Amy, all old friends from Ted's, were celebrating Deanna's birthday and I promised I'd swing by just to say hello, which I did; it was good to see them, but apparently the smoking ban lost its teeth and I still don't care much for the smokiness.

Driving from midnight to 2:30am? Caffeine is wondrous, a veritable elixer upon itself, which makes no damn sense at all. Needless to say, I was up past 4am into Sunday morning before caffeine and the joy of a well-spent weekend left me to rest.

Story time is over! Time for the news.

News! Kiera had a knock-down, drag-out fight with Baby Kitty, rolling down the stairs of my parents' abode and crashing through the gate at the bottom. Kiera has been accosted frequently by the other cats in the house and, though I'm generally not a huge fan of violence, I'm glad she stood up for herself, even if she had to receive a bath after the fight.

News! Katy's doing well in her pregnancy- going on six months now! Her son is going to be one well-dressed baby, let me tell you. There's much joy :).

News! I finished the first book in six months last week, "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance." I definitely wouldn't recommend it to everyone, though it's probably worth your time if introspective layers upon layers is the cake you want to be eating. Oh, failing at metaphors.

News! Things are moving abreast in moving preparations. In lieu of roommates, travel time, and friggin' expensive apartments around my work area, I've decided to take up Matt and Heather's offer to move in with them, effectively claiming their basement in the name of Jeff. Moving will hopefully commence in the next two weeks; eventually, punch and pie will be served in the lounge. Help yourself.

News! After a failed attempt to repair the NES that my family's had for almost two decades, Sarah and I have connived a cunning plan to just buy a new one. Hot damn.

News! Laura is visiting this weekend! Matt is running Mage on Saturday and she will be playing with us! There is no depth of joy that this does not bring to me.

News! I am going to be visiting Angela! There are pasta and kittens involved, though I daresay the kittens won't be getting any of the pasta.

News! I am happy :). Yes, really.

No more silliness, just sleepiness. Night, mes amis. Never a dull moment in the world, though sometimes the universe takes a coffee break when you've got to be on the clock. Isn't this the post you've all been waiting for? :D


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