So, it's been a while again--but for good reason. I can legitimately say that it's been because things have been busy, and that every time I was about to blog, something important either came up, or I remembered something more important than blogging that I needed to take care of.
So, that being said, here's what I've been up to since last time I posted.
I spent alot of the post last time talking about MAKING the time for things, rather than doing the typical, "I don't have any time for this" thing, and never accomplishing anything. So, I decided if I was going to say things like that, I'd have to take things into my own hands and actually follow through on the big ideas I was preaching.
Since the last post, I have managed to get most of the office/baby's room organized (the last room which was still semi-packed); filed taxes for myself and my wife; grabbed a truck-load of pallets from work, tore them apart, chopped them up, and built them into planters for our (and some friend's!) gardening this year (pictures below); planted said garden (which involved hauling 48 bags of dirt in four separate trips from the store to my house with my little car!); and hauled out of storage a game I had created in grade 9, scrapped anything that didn't work, and created a working prototype of the game, completely overhauled, which my wife and I are in the midst of testing for inconsistencies and playability!
Add to this the rest of life, as well as planning for the baby, tracking down and purchasing a crib (one more big thing off the list), continuing to try new recipes as we discover more of the wonders of food together, and making meals/spending time with our friends who have just recently had their first child.
God's been awesome to us. Life has been SO good. I am noticing how doing things that make me feel fulfilled in the rest of life seriously changes my attitude towards my job at the dealership, and makes it easier to handle on days when I am just sick of it. I'm so glad God has opened my eyes to seeing life this way, and I pray that he continues to reveal to me more and more of how I can enjoy the things he has given me, and take pleasure in even the mundane and everyday.
Now, on to some pictures!
Here's a shot of the backyard, taken from alongside the house. You can see most of the planter boxes, and all of our backyard.
Here's the spot in the back corner of the yard where we planted cucumbers and zucchini...it's probably three feet by three feet.
Here's one of the tomato planters (we've got green & red leaf lettuce and spinach underneath the tomato plants)
...And the other tomato planter...
Here's a shot of the little square planter I built out of the few remaining scraps of the pallets...
...We bought a mini rose bush for in the planter. It looks really good in there!
Here are two of the plastic planters we were given--we planted Osteospermums in them.
...And the other one...
Here's a plastic planter that was here when we moved in... it had the chives already in it. The stuff in the middle is Sorrel.
A side shot of one of the bigger planters... I built 9 of these. We have six, and gave three away to some friends.
A view from the top...these planters are 91cm long, 44cm wide, and 35 cm deep.
We planted radishes, beets, yellow onions, garlic, green onions, and carrots in the big planters. This one is only about 25cm tall (other dimensions the same), and has beans planted in it.
This last one is a pretty shallow planter (made with leftovers, once again), but it was perfect for herbs. We've got Curly Parsley, Italian Parsley, Cilantro, and Basil growing in this one.
A shot of the Lamb Curry and Rice we made for dinner one night recently...
...And the sesame-ginger green beans that went with it...
...And finally, the Miso Soup. This stuff is actually REALLY easy to make!
So yeah! That's been my life lately. Hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I've enjoyed the last month or so.