Taking Time...

Mar 02, 2010 19:50

...To smell the roses...it's something I don't often get the chance to do.

But today, I did. Only, it wasn't smelling roses. It was watching the birds. The simple things.
They caught my attention because they were building a nest in one of the still-bare trees on the edge of our parking lot at work. It wasn't so much the building of the nest that caught my attention, though that was fascinating and beautiful in its own right. What was intriguing to me was how the birds (Magpies) selected the sticks for their nest. They would hop from branch to branch in the surrounding trees, testing each little twig with their beaks to see if it was alive or dead. If it merely bent, they knew it was alive, and would hop to the next twig to test it. If it snapped, they'd break it the rest of the way off the tree, and carry it away to their nest. It made me smile to see the way that they worked at this--I could have watched for a long time and been far more interested than I was in whatever work I was doing at the time.

We're all moved in to our new place, and it's awesome. This home will be such a blessing to us, and allow us to be a blessing to others--I can already tell. Only downside at the moment is: my wife has been gone in WA since Sunday evening, and my parents (who were here to help move) left this morning at 5:00am. I hardly got to sleep again once they had left, because the new, unfamiliar space seems so big and empty when I'm here by myself. I'm not used to feeling like a little kid, but I do now. It's one of those moments where I wonder what I did with myself when I was living here for 5 months before we got married and my wife moved down here. No wonder I got alot more writing done then--it feels like about the only way to keep my sanity; to focus my mind on SOMETHING so that it's distracted from what I don't currently have.

I'll have to post pictures of the new place as soon as I've taken some and we've got all the boxes and stuff unpacked...right now it's a bit of a mess, and, in lieu of being a good boy and unpacking more stuff, I'm crashed out on the living room floor blogging and trying to figure out how to catalogue my books someday down the road, and other sundry things (I kinda wonder if sundry can actually be used properly in that situation or not...hmmm)... anyway, I guess we'll call that it for now.

Oh, and on a Canadian note (if you are Canadian, you'll know what this is about): Timmies: 2 Sam: 0


projects, love, life, marriage, my wife, organizing, simple things, moving

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