Sep 11, 2006 15:33
I only have four more days of work! This summer has been a complete drag, but I'm really glad it's almost over. I've been busy doing errands to get ready for my trip back to Ashland. I have been in a much better mood lately because of it. I really can't say there was a whole lot of great things that came out of this summer, other than the money I've earned.
I checked out the trailer for the new Bond movie, "Casino Royale." It looks amazing, and I'm dragging everyone to go see it with me on November 17th!
I need suggestions about which phone companies have good calling plans and good service in Ashland. Advice from all would be appreciated!
I finish work on the 15th, I will be in Portland the 16th, I'm headed to Ashland on the 17th. Hope to see all you Ashlanders then!