Aah, it got warm again, I guess it went up in to the 80s degrees on Monday. You know I like to stay out of the sun, but then I was pulling at the leash by night time, wanting a good walk. I took the Superblock, a loop of streets that goes out one way and comes back another. It was a great hour and a half Doggie-go-round.
I was by Shop And Save, and saw that the South Hills Home Brewing company that I thought was closed is still open. I don't know where I got the idea it was closed now..
Further down it was the new Rite-Aid, and it looks like it's close to being open. I was able to pad across the lot and in front of the main doors, and I must bark, it looks like the entrance to a palace. I had to think, does Westwood really need a palace? It's a corner entrance, and it does look good though.
It's a corner store with a corner entrance, on what used to be the site of an office of a building company. The office building was there forever, and when you saw in the windows, it looked like an office from the 1950s, with a big sign out front that looked like a flash cube. Hobnose would remember this fun, we stepped on large mushrooms, 'smashrooms' there. It's all gone now, they pulled up the trees, and the mushrooms and grass, and put in in a parking lot.
I went past the Hob house, and the light was on their patio outside, but nobody was out there, they were all inside, it was probably cool and dry in there. I went past where the drive-in used to be, and it's now a residential suites motel.
I was watching the Aqua Teens movie at home, which starts with a take on the singing food items that tell you to be courteous to your neighbors and buy from the snack bar. It might have been in the back of my mind, and why I took that way to walk. We went to that drive-in a lot, and they used to send the sound to cars on AM, 530, plus on the speaker phones.
It was a good walk, and I found lots of stuff along the way, woof woofie woof! Here's a picture:
I could be Andy Worhola Yo! Today's excitement, I got a new laptop! Well it's been ordered, a Dell Latitude used from ebay. It has a Pantium M Centrino and half a gigabyte of memory, so it should be nice. My Toshiba is old, and slow with lots of things, and it can be a pain to use it. Still, I bow to the Toshiba, it saw me through, but I couldn't get a battery for it any longer, they don't sell them now. The Dell has wireless built in, and that's good, because I can use it at home, and the many places I go that have access now.