Nov 23, 2011 20:07
We just took it from the Wood Street station to Steel City Plaza, where Occupy is located. Occupy has some hard core people living in those tents outside when it's this cold.
We had static with some at Occupy who don't like our name change ideas, but there are also those who like what we're doing, so it seems like things are changing slowly and we have more supporters.
Back on Sunday we had trouble at a teach-in at the United Steelworkers building, where we got tossed out, and we weren't even doing anything wrong, except to have angered someone earlier at the camp. This woman came in and and interrupted the meeting, saying 'those two have to leave!'
My guess is that the room at the building was rented, so they had more control than at the camp where it's a public place, open sidewalks etc. What I found hilarious is the topic that was interrupted was how to deal with the police and the authority that they have.. :)
Otherwise, we met Fluffy, and Sunny Partly Cloudy and Dimitri, plus many more cool '99 percent' people, and their Dogs, one named Hitch Hiker. Variable does tons of street interviews on camera, and I woof my story as the local angle for name change rights, and kind of the fun side to what is a pretty heavy story of absolute name freedom, then Variable talks about his.
We hope that Occupy could join with us to get the word out about name freedom, and even if not, at least the whole camp knows what we're about, we heard.. :)
We also worked on the name change case, going to the State Police again and finding that they need some original paperwork before finger prints can be done, so we're waiting for that to arrive from Alaska. Things are different in Pennsylvania than in other states, tougher, more involved, but then they are different in every state.
I'm also hoping to do some TV soon, on a show that seems to be a good fit for me and what I am as a Dog, so wish me luck.