Oct 12, 2007 02:55
Ahh, last night I went to Panera Bread for monthly Fur meet organized by S'ift Fox. It's just a fun meet to chat and bark and stuff, and I didn't see anyone wearing fursuits or tails. I was sitting across the table from Spike Cerberus Blackfang, who is a Falstaff fan and likes urban exploration. I've liked Cerberus the 3 headed Dog for a long time, and I woofed that he should build a Cerberus fursuit with 3 heads on it. That's only the second Dog demon I've met since I've been in Furry, the first was Silva Noir, who ran the Canine People Of The World Webring a while back. Anyway, next month's meet will be a Games an' Nat, so I can get back to Asteroids, Ms. Pac-man, and the Addams Family pinball game.. :)
I've been doing lots of video recording with Bruce lately, jazz bands at least once a week now. He uses his trusty VHS camera, while I shoot with a digital camcorder. Bruce will be upgrading to a digital cam soon, so we can have a two-camera shoot hopefully, and do something more pro with the video we get. I'd like to have the video mixer right there to switch between cameras in real time, but for now we will have to settle for editing after the fact, which doesn't seem so hard, but I've not tried it.
Already we have put out a couple of nice DVDs with custom menus and stuff, but nothing too fancy, since the performance is the most important thing anyway. We get a master disk, make copies, and Bruce then puts the disks in cases and gives them to the members of the band as a show of support for jazz in Pittsburgh. It's funny that we have seen folks taking flash pictures at the bar, but no one else ever takes videos of these bands, and that seems interesting why they don't. You would think that someone would want to preserve and archive musical performances for the future.
Ric was over last weekend, and we finally got to watch some movies, something we always bark about but there doesn't seem to be enough time. We watched The Incredible Mr. Limpet, where a guy longs to be a fish and is granted his wish after he falls into the ocean.
After that it was All Dogs Go To Heaven, a Don Bluth animation which I hadn't watched in a long time, a movie that doesn't seem to come up a lot in Furry, though it's just not as popular as his other films are. The funny thing was, the next night we were at Wal-Woofles-Mart, and I found All Dogs 2 in the $5 bin, so I got that and we watched it later. I had not seen it, but had the book of it for a long time, one of those short novelizations that use still pictures from the movie. I'd always like Charlie and that book, and I thought the sequel would be almost as good, but it was cheap, only based on the original story. Okay, but kind of weak, it lacked the good storytelling and quality of the first movie. We also saw parts of a Frank Zappa Halloween concert, and part of a Flash Gordon movie from 1980, and new Saturday Night Live. A great time with Ric, shaggy Old Englisheepdog!