Jun 03, 2007 00:11
"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law."
I really need to remember that when things start to fall apart the gods are clearing the way for something far more beautiful. Initiation can sometimes feel like god reaches his/her all powerful hand up into your rear, removes your intestines, ties them in nots, and then leaves you to put the pieces back together. Ouch is all i can say. Big ouch.
Sometimes I fear that I am losing my innocence, I have become so disillusioned with so many people and groups as of late. I know we are only human, and we are each doing the best we can. We all stumble and fall. But there are so many that I feel that I need to catch, and I wonder if they would catch me if I needed them. Honestly, I doubt it.
I'm too tired to keeo this up, I just can't anymore.
Ah well.
"Love is the law, love under will."