All Summer in a Day

May 17, 2016 17:15

This incessant rain and cold weather is seriously wearing on me. I got home today and the pond is all murky again. I don't know how to prevent the soil run-off... if I put down mulch or leaves or something, my seeds will never grow. But if we keep getting enough rain to wash everything away, my seeds won't even be there. They're probably all in the pond already anyway. My yard is bumming me out almost as much as the weather. I accept at a conscious level that there would be no instant gratification, but I think subconsciously I did expect all the work we've put in to pay off somehow already. Rather it mostly looks like a mudpit. I wrote out when my seedlings might have emerged on my planner to have something to look forward to.

I have a whole bunch of other things I could whine about but I'll leave it on a positive note. I discovered Lowe's clearance plants this weekend and went nuts. $7 columbine plants for $1! Half off ferns! $10 for a $27 clump of switchgrass! They had $5 switchgrass too but it looked like a little too much of a gamble. The columbines probably won't bloom this year, but they're perennial. I'm probably gonna go back and buy a bunch more super cheapies just to fill in my barren landscaping for the time being. My hydrangeas are only 2" tall so they need a little help for the next 2 or 3 years...
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