Mar 16, 2004 19:23
1. name : cOuRtNeY
2. nickname(s) : kOrTiBaYbEE, BaYbEE, oR YeR DrEaMgUrL!
3. age/birthday : 14 7/9/89
4. sex : GuRlY tEEhEE
5. any tattoos or piercings : nO bUt i wAnT TiTTiEz N eYeBrOw pIeRcEd
6. most prized possession : dRuGz, pUnX cDz, cLoThEz
7. favorite band : aVeRl!!!
8. favorite song : sK8r bOi cUz mAh bOyZ a hOt sK8r bOi
9. favorite lyric : tHeReZ lOtsA pReTTy OnEz dAt wAnnA gEt U HiGh!!!
10. hobbies : sEx, dRuGz, rOkNrOLL
11. feelings : hAwTnEzz, cOmInG tEEhEE, bEiN dRuNk N HiGh
12. color : PiNk
13. screen name and why : HoAnGeL cUz iM A hO bUt aN aNgEl tEEhEE
14. book : fUk dAt!!!
15. movie : dAzEd N cOnFuZeD
16. show : aNyThInG oN MtV
17. issues your concerned about : hUh
18. think same sex kissing is hott : HeLL yAz
19. 5 words, describe yourself : hOt, pUnK, sXe, kEwL, sTyLiSh
20. why should we accept you : i rOk N iM hAwT aZ HeLL
21. pet peaves : rEnTz, hAtAz
22. the best you got: hEd FrOm cHaRLiE <3
23. are you a virgin: HeLL NaW
24. want kids? nO
25. sexiest thing in a person: tHe wEiNeR!!! oR dA pUssY ;)
26. what makes you sexxxtacular: iM aWeSoMe N pUnK!!!
27. what is love to you: cHaRLiE <3
28. funniest thing ever heard: jEnZ fArTz
29. nicest complement you've recieved: i GiVe gOOd hEd 4 A gUrL mY aGe
30. accomplishments: i GiVe gOOd hEd 4 A gUrL mY aGe!!!
31. anything you think we should know? i rOx
32. biggest moment of your life: hUh
33. if rejected will you tryout again? nAw