My life as a parent....

Aug 30, 2007 10:42

It has been 4 days since Christian and I picked up our new dog, Chiyo at the airport.

She has pooped on my foot once, peed on the carpet countless times, eaten my flip flops to near extinction. She has also slept with me 4 nights and I have never slept better.She is the best cuddler ever and everyone knows I never let anyone sleep with me for anytime longer than 4 a.m.

She's originally from Missouri and she left the kennel she was born in and is now living with my best friend here in S.F. I think she's adjusting quite well. I was concerned that she'd be traumatized from the trip since she did come here in a crate and placed in cargo. Apparently, I have nothing to be concerned about since she's a major attention whore. It took me ten whole minutes to get through one block in the Castro since she was more than willing to talk to the fans.

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