having just moved to SF, I had to try the Folsom St. Fair.
They blocked off x number of streets on folsom and had a whole bunch of booths featuring porn, new sex toys and of course a bunch of people getting flogged and whipped. People were also giving head and getting fucked on the streets.
I went with a couple of friends and we had a blast. It was like a Disneyland for fetishists. Of course, I thought to myself, when in rome....I decided to wear my pleather shorts and just a collar. for me, it was a costume and when I got there, I realized that for these people it was a lifestyle. It didn't phase me of course however getting slapped on the ass a number of time during the whole day can be taxing after a while but then again, I couldn't complain, I was asking for it for wearing that. haha.
And since it was a fetish day, I did something totally off character.... She was a lesbian though so it was ok. haha.