Okay, fun story I've been meaning to write about.
About a month ago
Even cowgirls get the blues was on cable. I'd seen the movie before and thought it wasn't great, but was intrigued by the story line. I had a little conversation with myself about how the book was probably better. To make it easier to follow I separated it into Id and Ego (for fun, not accuracy)
Id: I bet the book of this movie is way better. I mean they thought it was interesting enough to make a movie out of it and it seems like an interesting story. I think the movie just failed at conveying that.
Ego: Yeah probably, I think it was on the best seller list back in the day,
Id: Maybe I should read it..
Ego: How, from a library copy?
Id: Yeah, I'll take it out of the library.
Ego: Yeah, right... like you read fiction for fun.
Id: Well, its not my M.O., but maybe if I make a note to...
Ego: Stop! You'll never get it read, even in two weeks. You're a lazy reader unless its non fiction, a biography or a DIY book.
Id: Yeah, I guess. Maybe I could get a copy of an ebook version and read it on the computer.
Ego: Bah! Even less likely. Your eyes will go buggy and you'll get bored.
Id: Well smart ass, how should I read it?
Ego: You're lazy enough for a book on tape. You even have a tape player in the car.
Id: Oh yeah. When I got Mom's car she only had a tape deck. It was too much trouble and cost to move over my CD/MP3 player from the Montero. I could do that.
Ego: Yeah, right. It came out in 1976. I'm not even sure they made a book on tape version.
Id: They must have.
Ego: Have you seen one?
Id: Well, no.
Ego: Ever?
Id: No. It doesn't mean it can't exist.
Ego: Well, good luck finding one.
So, anyway. a few days later I go out with a friend thrift shopping and we hit the first place. I meander over to the books and CD section and what do I see? Yeah, you guessed it. It was
Even Cowgirls Get The Blues on cassette. I think I got it for a buck and change.
Yes, I've really been listening to it in the car! Wow, this guy can ramble, eh? I'm enjoying it though and still can't believe how quickly a random thought manifested itself into reality.